Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Letter Published in The National UAE on 23July 20UAE enters the history books for launching Mars probe
With reference to Sarwat Nasir's article UAE joins elite space race nations as Mars probe makes first contact (July 20): this is truly a spectacular feat all the more so given the challenging year it has been for the world. For such a young nation to launch this probe and embark on a 200-day journey to the Red Planet is the result of a great vision. It was wonderful to read about the UAE's leadership complimenting the young engineers and technical people for their contribution to accomplish this in such a short span. It is a historic occasion. It was wonderful to read about the UAE’s leadership complimenting the young engineers and technical people for their contribution to accomplish this in such a short span. It is a historic occasion. Kudos to the UAE for making it happen.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

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