Thursday, March 5, 2020


Letter Published in The National UAE on 5Mar 20  I write in reference to Mina Al-Oraibi’s article With Allawi’s failure to form government, Iraq’s political dysfunction at new heights (March 3): this was a fascinating piece but also a very sobering one.
The story of modern-day Iraq is sad because after decades of one man and his regime controlling the destiny of an entire country, there is now much discord within the political system. It is tempting to assume that this is the outcome of divides in society but, if the past few months are a demonstration of anything, it is that the people are united in demanding that the political class come together to fix the country’s problems.
The tragedy is that the country is resource rich: it is blessed with oil wealth but also some of the most dynamic people in the region. It’s just a case of finding a way to tap into both resources and get the best out of them. But for that to happen, the ruling elite must bury their political and sectarian differences to build a nation that has been broken for far too long. Once the cradle of a great civilisation, Iraq needs to be restored to its past glory. Its people deserve nothing less.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

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