Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Life isBeautiful 325.

Next day Ram reached his office.Kathambari was sitting in his cabin.
Good morning Rm. Today  i am meeting the Indian consulate office at 11A.M
R am.Good, regarding
Kathambari.They have speed up the passport renewal policy for expatriates from next week. To cover that good news Atkinson asked me to  go there.Before that i want to meet you and go.
Kathambari.Apart from that Mummy asked me to  call   you for lunch  on the coming friday,since last week Lizioli gave us the party.
Ram.Fine,I will come.
Kathambari.Thank you,i  will make a move.
After she left Ram was busy in his work.
By that time he received a call.Raj was on the other line
How are you Ram.
Ram.I am fine,how is your family andother friends.
Raj.All are fine.Why i called you was i, have sent a message to you to cover the International Yoga day which is coming in a few days.Our Prime Minister is promoting this good concept for peaceful living ,with out  ailments.
Ram.Iknow.Here in UAE also lot of people following our great Guruji and his aasanas.
Raj.You mean,Ramdev.
Ram.Yes,He has got some beautiful aasanas liked  by many countries and they are following that.
Raj.I have sent the details to cover.
Ram.I will do it.
Raj.Thank you.Bye now
Ram .Bye.
After that Ram discussed with his staff members on that day's programme.
Again his phone was ringing.This time Prasanna
Sir,how are you.My mother in law asked me to invite you  for lunch on the coming friday.
Ram.O.k.how is your job
Prasanna.Fine sir,see you on friday.
Then Ram went to Atkinson's cabin for  discussion.
(to be continued)
See You Next Week,

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