Thursday, May 23, 2024


Letter Publishrd in TheNational UAE on 24May 24 Improving air safety is key I write in reference to Amr Mostafa and Nicky Harley's article One dead and several injured in severe turbulence on London to Singapore flight (May 21): it was disconcerting to read the news about the death of a passenger and injuries to several others this week. It was also a sobering reminder that, even though aviation remains the safest mode of transport today, passenger safety is not always guaranteed. There has been a series of accidents in recent months from Japan to the US, which suggests there is room for improvement as far as the airline industry is concerned. Whatever they are – technological upgrades, safety regulation updates, a new insurance framework – they call for joined-up thinking to make flying even safer than it already is. K Ragavan, Bengaluru,

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