Sunday, May 26, 2024

Tribute 819.

Tribute to film industry 819 The happiness of many people is often found in specific areas, and it’s no surprise that the film industry is one of them. For over 60 years, this industry has thrived across various languages. It's well known that the story is the lifeblood of a film. When the screenplay is well-crafted, a good producer steps in, actors and actresses are selected, and the film is brought to life by a talented director and technical artists. The audience's recognition and judgment elevate the artists. Today, the film industry remains immensely popular. Educated graduates and young individuals pursue their favorite careers in this field by studying in film colleges. Many aspire to become directors, editors, cinematographers, or actors. The opportunities in these fields are growing, particularly as films are translated into multiple languages and reach a global audience. Entertainment, whether on television or the big screen, should cater to everyone. It is important to avoid excessive violence and glamour and instead create scenes that are suitable for all viewers. I appreciate economically produced films with high budgets, but it is equally important to ensure that our culture is respected and preserved. The film industry is a significant source of entertainment and should be appreciated as such. While we should admire and acknowledge the talents of artists, it’s important not to idolize them excessively. I hold great respect for the talents of every artist, and I will always appreciate their work. This week, I am posting this on my Blogs K. Raghavan. See you again next week, 27-5-24.

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