Friday, July 5, 2024

Madal 33.

Dear Respctable Friend, Received your letter and noted the contents.Your Mom and Daddy's picture my mom showed to many of her friends.All applauded your Parent's pictures.They said it is Graceful and Mejastic and complimented me that you got a good colleague.I miss you in the lunch hour with your creative ideas and good conversation.After seeing the picture i am eager to see your mummy and daddy.Iam sure you are inspired by Mummy and Daddy on their principles.Cultivating good habits in the child hood has become a rare commodity today.Your Mummy because of her God fearing with sentiments brought you a good obedient son to her and a dutiful citizen.Her graceful look in front of me.When you return from vacation you bring her to our place.Nothing more at this hour.My Namaskarams to your Parents. Respectable Lunch box friend

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