Thursday, July 18, 2024

Madal 46.

Dear Loving and obedient son, Received your letter and happy to note your desire about marriage and how your friends relished my sweets.Ever since you are three year kid you follow my advice and do what ever i instruct.One of the best qualities you developed from child hood till today continus is no wonder.As a loving and affctionate mother i was thinking along with dadfor your marriage arrangements in next week.Your decision is really made me shocked not to marry for ever.It shows the depth of attachment ,love and affection on me if any girl comes to our family wheather she takes care of me was the doubt made you to take a firm decision. I also know once you take a decision you won't go back.I am proud of you and now my love and affection is increasing .If i tell this to dad he be will also proud of you.I am sheding tears with joy. Take care. Our blessings will be there for ever. Loving Mummy

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