Thursday, October 3, 2024

Small Story 35.Mystery Cleared.

Small Story 35.Mystery Cleared. As the train pulled away from the station, Harley and Stanley settled into their seats, exchanging pleasantries. They were en route to Dev, a picturesque resort town near Bengaluru, known for its stunning landscapes and exquisite dining—thanks to the meticulous owner, Rana Dev, who had transformed the area into a hotspot for tourists and celebrities alike. As the scenery zipped past, their conversation turned serious. “It’s sad about Sam,” Harley said, glancing at Stanley. “I can’t believe you took him to that notorious gang.” Stanley shrugged. “I had to do it for the plot. It’s fiction, after all.” “Your intention isn’t correct,” Harley replied, shaking his head. “You dragged Monica into this too. What were you thinking?” Stanley frowned. “She was part of the story! You know how it goes.” Harley leaned closer. “But killing her off just for a treasure? That’s extreme.” Suddenly, a voice interrupted them. “Gentlemen, you’re both under arrest.” Startled, they turned to find a Special Police Officer, Shankar, standing next to them. “What do you mean we’re under arrest?” Harley asked, bewildered. Shankar crossed his arms, a stern look on his face. “You’ve been discussing crimes openly in public. What proof do you need more than your own admissions?” Stanley’s eyes widened. “You misunderstand! We’re not criminals; we’re mystery writers!” Shankar blinked, taken aback. “Writers? You’re Harley and Stanley? The famous mystery authors?” “Yes!” Harley replied, relief flooding his face. “We were just brainstorming for our next book. It’s all fiction!” Shankar’s expression softened, and a smile broke through. “I’ve wanted to meet you two for years! Your stories keep me on the edge of my seat.” The tension melted away as the three men began to chat animatedly about plot twists, characters, and suspenseful endings. As the train rolled through the lush countryside, their shared passion for storytelling transformed the ride into a vibrant brainstorming session. By the time they reached Dev, what had begun as an awkward misunderstanding had blossomed into a collaboration filled with excitement and inspiration. The journey had led them not only to a beautiful destination but also to the beginning of a thrilling new story that they would craft together. K.Ragavan.

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