Friday, October 4, 2024

Small Story 36.Kindness is important.

Small story 36.Kindness is important. Janaki stood on the crowded platform, watching the train pull away. She had missed it, but the next one would arrive in just two minutes. Once on board, she quickly found a corner seat. As the train rumbled along, it stopped at Konanakunte station, where an elderly man boarded. He stood in front of her, a gentle smile on his face. "Would you like to sit?" Janaki offered, noticing he was struggling to keep his balance. He shook his head. "No, no, it’s alright. I’ll manage." When the train lurched again at Yelachenahalli, a wave of new passengers squeezed in, causing the man to sway slightly. Janaki offered her seat once more, but he kindly insisted, "Please, sit. It’s better for you. More people will push." Janaki admired his politeness and felt a warmth toward him. They chatted briefly, and she learned that he was a local resident. As they reached Jayanagar, Janaki got up to leave, and to her surprise, the elderly man followed her off the train. In the lift, she turned to him. “Do you live nearby?” “Yes, just a short walk from here,” he replied. When they stepped out, a car was waiting. “Where to, sir?” the driver asked. “It’s alright; I’ll walk,” he said, waving off the offer. “Thank you! Have a nice day!” Janaki smiled, watching him head down the street. Later that evening at work, Janaki's boss announced a special guest: a VIP would be visiting their magazine office. As she prepared for the meeting, she felt a flutter of nerves, curious about who it might be. At exactly 4:30, the door opened, and in walked Mr. Ram, a renowned Kannada film director. Janaki’s heart raced—he was the same elderly man from the train! “Welcome to our magazine, Mr. Ram,” she said, trying to keep her composure. He smiled warmly, “It’s nice to meet you again, Janaki. I remember your kindness on the train.” She was taken aback. “I didn’t realize it was you! I’m so sorry for not recognizing you.” He chuckled, “No need for apologies. You offered me your seat twice, and that speaks volumes about your character. Humility is important, whether in the spotlight or not.” Janaki felt a surge of joy at his words, realizing how special this encounter had been. “Thank you, sir. Your work has inspired me for years.” Mr. Ram smiled, “ you are my favourite columnist and i too not recoganized you, Let’s always remember the importance of kindness.” As the meeting went on, Janaki couldn’t help but feel grateful for their unexpected encounter. In the bustling city, two strangers had crossed paths and learned that true respect and humility transcend fame and fortune K.Ragavan.

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