Saturday, October 19, 2024

Small story 52A Twist of fate

Small Story 52.A Twist of Fate. Small Story 52. A Twist of Fate Sunder entered a small restaurant, seeking solace in a cup of tea after receiving disappointing results from his third interview. He asked the waiter for a good cup and settled into a chair, hoping for some comfort. Despite the setbacks, the tea warmed his spirits. As he headed to the cash counter to pay the modest bill of 25 rupees, he was surprised to see a strikingly beautiful woman behind the register. When he approached, a familiar voice rang out, “Hey Sunder, how are you?” He stared in confusion until she introduced herself as Roshini, a classmate from high school. They had shared years together at Tambaram Sevasadan. “What are you doing here?” he whispered, still processing the surprise. “My dad started this restaurant a few years back,” she explained. “After finishing my marketing management degree, I couldn’t find a suitable job, so I decided to help him out.” Sunder felt a pang of sympathy. “I’ve been looking for a job for three years now,” he admitted. “I guess I just haven’t found the right opportunity.” “Why not try a different approach in your interviews?” Roshini asked playfully, raising an eyebrow. “I do my best, but maybe it’s just not enough,” he replied, his voice trailing off. She smiled encouragingly. “You have the credentials. Sometimes it’s just about confidence.” Feeling the weight of his failures, Sunder whispered, “I really don’t know what to do next.” “Stay in touch,” Roshini suggested, scribbling her number on a piece of paper. After leaving the restaurant, Sunder dreaded facing his father. But he knew his mother, Pankajam, would always support him. A week later, Sunder received an unexpected call from a leading IT firm. The director wanted him to come in for an interview. He thought back to his earlier applications and hurriedly prepared. The next day, dressed in a smart tie and his favorite white shirt, he went in with hope. To his surprise, the director was impressed and offered him a position at the Bengaluru office with an attractive salary. Overwhelmed, Sunder rushed to Bombay Sweets to share the good news with his family. His father, Hari, was astonished at the sudden success, and Pankajam beamed with pride. When Sunder joined the new office in Bengaluru, he was called in to meet the CEO. As he entered the room, a familiar voice greeted him, “Welcome, Mr. Sunder.” It was Roshini! “What a coincidence!” he exclaimed. “Yes! After you left, I got an offer from the same company. I had applied months ago. My dad told me to manage the restaurant while he’s away, and I called for an interview for you at the Chennai branch. You always had the talent!” With a hint of shyness, she added, “I’ve liked you since school but never had the courage to say anything. I’m glad we met again.” Sunder felt a rush of warmth. Roshini’s belief in him had rekindled his confidence, and he realized that perhaps his earlier failures were simply stepping stones leading him to this moment. Together, they embraced a promising future, both personally and professionally, forever grateful for the twist of fate that had reunited them. K.Ragavan 20-10-24

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