Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Small Story 40.Miracle Help.

Small Story 40.Miracle Help. Ranjitham had been coming to Ram's house for tuition for three days now. She was an expert in science, and Ram, an 8th grader, was eager to improve his marks. Their connection was forged when Ambujam, Ram's mother, met Ranjitham at a temple function, where Ranjitham’s beautiful singing impressed her. They quickly became friends, and Ambujam, recognizing Ranjitham's teaching skills, invited her to help Ram. On that third day, Ranjitham rang the bell, and Ram's voice called her in. Ambujam emerged from the kitchen, welcoming her with a warm smile and a cup of tea. After an hour of intense study, Ranjitham gathered her materials, ready to leave. "My husband is alone at home," she explained, but Ambujam urged her to sit a little longer. Ranjitham politely declined and stepped outside, thoughts of her husband, Desikan, heavy on her heart. Desikan had been battling throat cancer for three long years, and despite his resilience, he had grown weaker. Ranjitham, a brilliant academic herself, had taken up tutoring to support them, praying fervently to Krishna for her husband’s recovery. As Ram excelled in chess, training for an upcoming tournament in Dubai, Ambujam learned about a renowned doctor, Vasanthy, who could help Desikan. With a glimmer of hope, Ranjitham arranged for an appointment. However, the cost of treatment was staggering—twelve lakhs, even after a discount. Ranjitham felt torn; they had already spent so much on Desikan’s care. Meanwhile, Ram's father, Prasanna, sent Ram off to Dubai for his competition, unaware of the struggles at home. To Ranjitham's relief, Doctor Vasanthy successfully treated Desikan. When Ranjitham asked about the fees, the doctor revealed she had received funding from a charitable organization led by a close friend. Ranjitham was overwhelmed with gratitude. Curiosity gnawed at her; who was this benefactor? Ambujam soon revealed the truth: Doctor Vasanthy was not just a skilled physician but also a longtime friend from Ambujam’s school days, dedicated to helping those in need through her trust. Tears of joy filled Ranjitham's eyes as she realized the circle of support surrounding her. With Desikan on the road to recovery and Ram chasing his dreams, hope blossomed anew in their lives. K.Ragavan.

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