Saturday, June 29, 2024


Letter Published in NewIndaAbriad US on 29June 24 Home Letters to the Editor Response to the first US Presidential Debate on CNN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Response to the first US Presidential Debate on CNN This is a letter written in response to the first US Presidential debate held on June.27 between candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden. K.Ragavan Sat, 29, Jun 2024 01:30 EDT 84 Dear sir, I was watching the recent debate between the Present President and the Past President for the running Presidential race. Each one of them is highlighting their plus points. My request from the common man's day to day problem is namely inflation must be controlled. Inflation is the main culprit and that issue must be addressed. Whoever comes to power. And, immigration for technical people should be looked into. The US is a country liked by millions of people for it's liberal thinking, and educational opportunities. On the one hand I applaud their policies for entertaining various country students and on the other hand they should assure safety for them. I mean frequent shootings should be eradicated and the gun culture also. I am enjoying my stay here with my daughter and admire the system. With Warm Regards, K.Ragavan Denver resident Jun

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