Sunday, June 9, 2024

Tribute 821

Tribute 821 Today ,I want to extend my gratitude to the eligible voters who participated in the election and delivered their verdict in favor of the NDA-led government under the leadership of Narendra Modi for the third time in six decades. This decision is both remarkable and, in my opinion, the right choice. No government can meet all promises and solve every problem, but achieving even fifty percent of their goals can instill enough confidence in the people to re-elect them. India is a vast, multicultural nation with many languages and influences from regional parties. However, the trend is changing; people are now considering what is best for them and the country as a whole. Despite the present government's majority, their alliances eagerly came forward to form the government without hesitation, reflecting their confidence and the importance of the previous decade's record. It is crucial for people to consider both immediate and long-term benefits. National security, public safety—especially for women—inflation, healthcare, education, and unemployment are key areas that need attention to build a strong Bharat. I am not a political analyst or an economist, but as a humble senior citizen who has observed the political landscape of Bharat for over five decades, I have hope for the new team's zeal and vision for the country's future development. Kudos to Modi's team of talented ministers from all alliances, who I believe will perform better in the coming days. K. Ragavan 10-6-24 See you again next week.

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