Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tribute 823.

Tribute to Royal Gorge Train and Bridge 823 Today, I am happy to share my recent experience of my journey to Colorado Springs' Royal Gorge train and its beautiful scenic location in the US. After my arrival in the US, my first outing was to the Royal Gorge train, which was not only amazing but also unforgettable. The train journey lasts about 90 minutes and offers the latest amenities. While traveling between two mountains, the Colorado River flows crystal clear on both sides, providing a mesmerizing view. After the train journey, another amazing part was walking on the bridge. Built nearly a century ago, it spans 1,600 feet, if I am not mistaken, and is a pleasure to walk on. People of all ages, from pediatric to geriatric, and of both genders, walk without fear, which is commendable. My family and I enjoyed the walk and marveled at the beautiful construction. I always admire those who excel in their field, regardless of their origin, and I applaud their work. My recent visit to this place was memorable, and I wanted to document it in my blog. Today, I pay tribute to this wonderful bridge, the Royal Gorge train, and the architects of US administration. K. Ragavan 24-6-24 Until we meet again next week!

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