Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tribute 820.

Appreciate each individual for their achievement 820. Accomplishment is not a scale. For me it is about progressing step by step and becoming a better person in their careers. I deeply believe that a person can achieve success in any career, if they are motivated, dedicated and have a passion for it. There is nothing wrong with taking it. Many individuals are pioneers who are uncomfortable and struggling to read at an early age and later come to a better my journey I am inspired by the famous and popular writers RK Narayanan, Ragi Rangarajan, Sujatha, Akhilan, N. Parthasarathy, Savi, Devan, Kadugu, and many other famous writers. Not everyone gets rewards and awards. Every profession. However, individuals stick to their goals and never give up their efforts. My humble compliments and best wishes to these individuals whom I especially admire today. They never lose their efforts. They keep winning and others recognize them. , though no. Today I want to post about them on my websites. Kind regards, K. Raghavan See you again next week 3-6-24

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