Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Recent results .

Moral of the story Recent election results and the verdict for TN was not only shocking but also can guess the attitude of the people was un acceptable.How ever the ruling NDA party could able to win only 238seats if i am right may be is not adequate to form the government.However their allies numbers can make the government.BJP has diplomatically handle and utilise the support and form the government to continue their future plans.Allies TDP and JDU they should put them in good fold in the new administration. since. UP was the big blow because the anticipated numbers are different.I applaud the beautiful spade work done was not recognised by the TN people is their unfortunate.I sincerely Complimenting Annamalai for the excellent work done in that area.The new team must concentrate on the progress of Bharat and it's people. JaiHind, With Warm Regards, K.Ragavan.

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