Thursday, August 29, 2024


Letter Published in The National UAE on 30 Aug 24 Can Modi broker peace in Ukraine? With reference to the article by Taniya Dutta India Committed to Russia-Ukraine Peace, Modi Tells Putin (August 27): This presents a compelling view of India’s position on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dedication to fostering peace amidst this prolonged conflict is commendable. The war has resulted in massive casualties and widespread destruction, and it is crucial to halt further loss of life and damage. India’s historical commitment to non-violence underscores the potential impact of Mr Modi’s efforts. With continued advocacy and diplomatic engagement, there is hope that his initiatives could contribute to resolving the conflict. We will have to wait and see though. K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

Small story 13.Dedication and threat.

short story13. Dedication and threat. Ranganayaki was waiting for son’s arrival from the office.Her son was working for a leading daily paper as Editor.His working hours are not like others ,responsibility is more to deliver correct updates and news to people and inform what is happening to the society.His ten years service for the past few months was tired to report daily rape and gang rape cases and how women were treated by unscrupulous people .He has been continuously mentioning a stringent law should be implemented to eradicate this menace to save women.At times he gets threaten calls to safeguard his life from various goondas and criminals in the society.Editor Varun is bold,brave and love his journalism field wanted to inform the society with autheticity.He may go home late some days after receiving the reports from reporters .His mother will always be tense till he returns.His recent worry that a new rule must be implemented for the criminals who does not respect women and do rape individually as well gang rapes.Ranganayaki too pray her favourite goddess Sri Andal to help her son and safeguard women in the society.Today not only for women but also honest journalists life too at risk .Will both of them saved by implementing new laws is Varun’s task.who is responsible and his answer is administration .For that he prepared a opinion column and hence his departure to home was late. Ranganayaki sat by the window, her gaze fixed on the street below, waiting for her son’s arrival. The soft glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm, golden light, but her heart was heavy with worry. Her son, Varun, had been working as an editor for a leading daily newspaper for over a decade. His role was demanding, often keeping him away from home late into the night. His dedication to his job was unwavering, but it came with a price. Varun’s recent work had been particularly harrowing. His reports had been filled with stories of rape, gang rapes, and the horrific treatment of women by unscrupulous individuals. Each story he uncovered seemed to pile more weight onto his shoulders. He often spoke of the need for stringent laws to combat these heinous crimes, believing that only strong legal measures could protect women and make society safer. The threats Varun received from various criminals and goondas only added to Ranganayaki’s anxiety. She prayed daily to her favorite goddess, Sri Andal, asking for her son’s safety and for protection for women everywhere. The growing danger surrounding honest journalists like Varun was troubling, and she feared for his life each time he left for work. Today was no different. Varun had left the office late again, his departure delayed by the preparation of an opinion column he hoped would spark change. He was passionate about his cause, but his bravery came with personal risk. The column was a powerful piece advocating for new laws that would target those who committed sexual crimes, both individually and in gangs. Varun believed that the responsibility lay with the administration to implement these laws and bring about meaningful reform. As the hours ticked by, Ranganayaki’s worry grew. She knew that Varun’s work was crucial, but she couldn’t help but be anxious for his safety. The increasing violence against women and the threats to journalists made her prayers all the more fervent. Finally, the sound of the door creaking open broke the silence. Varun walked in, his face tired but determined. Ranganayaki rushed to him, her concern melting into relief as she hugged him tightly. “Late night again?” she asked, her voice filled with both affection and worry. Varun smiled wearily, “Yes, Mama. I had to finish the column. I hope it makes a difference.” Ranganayaki looked into her son’s eyes, seeing the resolve that had driven him through countless sleepless nights. “I’m proud of you, Varun. But please, take care of yourself too.” Varun nodded, understanding the depth of her concern. “I will, Mama. And I believe that change is coming. It has to.” As mother and son settled into their evening routine, the city outside continued its relentless pace. Ranganayaki held onto a glimmer of hope, trusting that Varun’s efforts would bring about the change they so desperately needed. For now, she was just grateful to have her son home, safe and sound. K.Ragavan

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Small story 12.Earlier Rejection.

Small Story 12. Earlier Rejection. Shekhar walked into the interview room, only to find himself face-to-face with the HR Manager who had once been his college classmate—and someone he had harbored feelings for, only to be rejected. The recognition was mutual, and it was clear from the shocked expression on her face. "Please, sit down," Vasanthy, the HR Manager, said, regaining her composure. Shekhar took a seat, still taken aback by the unexpected reunion. Vasanthy glanced over Shekhar's credentials. "I see you've moved around quite a bit in your career. Why haven't you stayed in one place for more than a year?" Shekhar explained, "It was mainly due to the work environment and boss behavior." "Boss behavior?" Vasanthy asked, her curiosity piqued. Shekhar elaborated, "It's a matter of not respecting my work and suggestions in certain areas." "I understand," Vasanthy responded thoughtfully. "But if you join us here and face a similar situation, wouldn’t you just resign again?" Shekhar, feeling a bit disheartened, replied, "I don’t think I’ll be selected here anyway." Vasanthy was taken aback. "On what basis are you saying that?" Shekhar explained, "Because of my previous rejection." Vasanthy's expression softened. "That was for some genuine reasons. This time, you’re not rejected. I’ve always respected your academic credentials and knowledge, ever since our college days. Here, you are selected. The decision is up to you—whether you choose to stay or not." Shekhar was stunned by Vasanthy's words. Given the company's longstanding reputation and the promising offer, combined with Vasanthy’s acknowledgment of his skills and her candidness about the previous rejection, he felt reassured. He decided to accept the offer, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and a chance to prove himself. With a mixture of relief and new resolve, Shekhar signed the offer, putting aside any past rejections and focusing on the future ahead. K.Ragavan

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tribute to actor Jaishankar 832.

Honoring the Legacy of Jaishankar: The “James Bond” of Tamil Cinema Today, I want to shine a spotlight on a truly remarkable figure in Tamil cinema: Jaishankar. Known affectionately as the “James Bond” of South Indian cinema, Jaishankar's legacy is one of unparalleled versatility and enduring charisma. Jaishankar was not just an actor; he was a phenomenon who captivated audiences with his diverse range of roles. From intense action heroes to nuanced dramatic characters, he showcased an extraordinary acting range that set him apart. His performances in films such as Nootruku Nuru, Iru Vallavargal, Ayiram Poi, and Asthivaram are just a few examples of his impressive work. Each role he undertook demonstrated his ability to adapt and excel, making him a beloved figure in the Tamil film industry. His association with Modern Theatres brought about many successful films that are still cherished today. Jaishankar's unique style and powerful screen presence left a lasting impression on Tamil cinema and inspired countless actors who came after him. His roles often mirrored societal issues or trends, making his films both relevant and thought-provoking for audiences then and now. Jaishankar's contributions to the industry have earned him numerous accolades and a place of honor in the hearts of fans and colleagues alike. Despite the many tributes he has received over the years, today I want to personally acknowledge and celebrate this legend. His impact on Tamil cinema is immeasurable, and his legacy continues to resonate with us. To Jaishankar, whose talent and dedication shaped an era of Tamil cinema—your influence and brilliance will never be forgotten. Thank you for the unforgettable performances and the indelible mark you left on the world of film K.Ragavan Until We meet again next week 26-8-24

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Small story 11. Timely Help.

In a bustling town, the new academic year had begun, and Arjun was eagerly waiting for his father's decision regarding his college admission. Arjun had earned a spot in a prestigious institution, but the hefty fee of fifty thousand rupees was a major obstacle. His father, Ramamirtham, was thrilled to support his son's dream, but his financial situation was strained. Ramamirtham’s monthly salary, after deductions, was only 27,000 rupees. On top of that, he was still repaying loans from his two daughters' weddings for the past eight years. Every morning during his walks, Ramamirtham confided in his friend Krishnan about his struggles. Krishnan, who also worked for a modest salary, had one daughter who worked at a multinational company with a lucrative salary. Despite their different financial statuses, Krishnan always offered Ramamirtham comfort and support. The next day, when Arjun decided to approach his father for an update, he found that Ramamirtham had left for work earlier than usual. Determined to find a solution, Arjun went to the college administrator, Seshan, to request an extension on the fee payment, given his rank. To his surprise, Seshan handed Arjun a receipt for the fee payment, already taken care of. Arjun was baffled and asked who had made the payment. Seshan’s reply left him astonished: it was Vasanthi. Arjun had never heard the name before. Later, he learned that Vasanthi was none other than Krishnan’s daughter, the one with the well-paying job. Touched by this unexpected gesture, Arjun approached Krishnan to express his gratitude. Krishnan explained that his daughter, Vasanthi, had always admired Arjun’s hard work and was moved by Ramamirtham’s dedication to his family. Vasanthi wanted to help make Arjun’s dream a reality, appreciating the sacrifices Ramamirtham had made. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Arjun felt a renewed sense of determination. He promised himself that he would work hard to honor not only his father's sacrifices but also the kindness of Krishnan’s family. As he began his college journey, Arjun carried with him not just the weight of his ambitions but also the profound impact of timely help and true friendship. K.Ragavan

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Dear Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji, I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to you as a concerned senior citizen deeply troubled by the recent incidents of violence against women and children in our country. While Bharat is indeed making remarkable progress in various fields, it is disheartening to witness the rising number of brutal crimes, including gang rapes and assaults on individuals, including the alarming recent case involving a medical student in Kolkata. Such acts are abhorrent and unacceptable in any civilized society. Bharat has a rich history of leaders and rulers who have upheld justice and safeguarded dharma. It is imperative that we continue this legacy by addressing the increasing incidents of sexual violence with the seriousness they demand. In light of this, I humbly request the implementation of more stringent laws to combat these heinous crimes. Specifically, I propose that if an individual is proven guilty of rape or sexual assault, the verdict should be delivered within 48 hours of the crime. Swift justice would not only act as a deterrent to potential offenders but also enhance the protection and respect afforded to women and children in our society. Ensuring the safety of our citizens, particularly the most vulnerable, is of utmost importance. I trust that your esteemed office will consider these concerns and work towards reinforcing our legal framework to better safeguard women and children across Bharat. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. Yours sincerely, K.Ragavan Bengaluru via MyNt

Small story 10.True Friendship.

Small story 10 True Friendship. Ramu and Somu were close friends from childhood. After completing their education, life took them on different paths—Ramu pursued a career in teaching, while Somu ventured into the IT sector and eventually migrated to the US. Over the years, their contact became infrequent, but their bond remained strong. A decade later, fate brought them together at a function where Somu was invited as the chief guest for a seminar hosted by a prestigious institute. During the event, Ramu recognized Somu, and their joy at seeing each other after so many years was palpable. After the inauguration, Somu delivered an inspiring speech. He spoke with heartfelt gratitude about the institute and the role his early education had played in his success. “I am truly proud to stand here today because of my teacher who imparted the technical knowledge that has shaped my career,” Somu said. He continued, “It is with great pleasure that I reintroduce my childhood friend Ramu, who has devoted his life to nurturing talent and has guided many students to excel in top corporate positions in the U.S. The ceremony not only marked a professional milestone but also rekindled their deep-rooted friendship. Somu's speech highlighted the invaluable role of teachers, affirming that while all professions have their own significance, teaching stands out as noble and incomparable. Their reunion was a testament to the strength of their bond and the impact of their respective professions on each other’s lives. K.Ragavan

Good One. Today's story RakShaBandhan was interesting and one should follow this great bandan either a women or Men for the divine Relation ship of Sister and brother.All the three stories was nice and among that Krishna and Draupathi bonding was superb.She has surrendered to Srikrishna and till last minute Krishna saved her in many difficult times.One has to surrender to the lotus feet of lord krishna with full confidence will be protected at all times .The timely release of this video should be listened by all .Good presentation on this event of Raksha bandan as well for good sister relation ship thoughts for men Kudos to the author.Finally the meaningful words message was laudable With Warm Regards, K.Ragavan

Monday, August 19, 2024

Small Story 9. Compassion and Help.

After the heart-wrenching phone call from his daughter Lakshmi, Postmaster Ramaswamy was left in a state of profound emotional turbulence. The generosity and thoughtfulness of his son-in-law Ram had deeply touched him, and the way his daughter had discovered the family’s plight without him ever uttering a word was nothing short of a miracle. The next few days unfolded with a mix of anxious hope and diligent planning. Here’s a summary of how things progressed: With the funds now securely in his account, Ramaswamy and his son Muthu immediately arranged for the necessary medical treatments for his grandson. The treatment was set to begin promptly, and the medical team reassured them of the best possible care Despite the physical distance between them, Lakshmi stayed closely involved with the updates on her nephew’s condition. She communicated frequently with Muthu and offered emotional support from afar. Ram continued to show his respect and concern through regular calls and emails The crisis had surprisingly strengthened the family bonds. Muthu and Ramaswamy, despite the stress, found solace in each other’s company. They often reminisced about the past and shared their gratitude for the support they were receiving. Developments in Treatment: : As the treatment progressed, there was a noticeable positive response. The doctors observed improvements in the condition of Ramaswamy’s grandson, which brought a glimmer of hope to the family. Lakshmi ensured she received regular updates from her brother and medical professionals. She was able to stay informed about every step of the treatment, providing reassurance and moral support to everyone involved. The local community, moved by the family’s situation, also offered support. Some neighbors and friends contributed small amounts or helped in other ways, reinforcing the notion that kindness and empathy were prevalent in the world. Ramaswamy often reflected on the values he had instilled in his children and the kind of person his son-in-law had proven to be. The experience left him both humbled and proud. Once the immediate medical concerns were addressed and his grandson’s health improved, Ramaswamy and his family began planning for a future where they could possibly give back to the community. They discussed setting up a small fund or support system for families in similar situations, inspired by the help they had received. The entire family remained deeply grateful for the unexpected support from Lakshmi and Ram, and they made a point of expressing their thanks in every way they could. They also recognized the strength and resilience of their little one, who had faced such a challenging situation with remarkable courage. In essence, the challenging period had brought the family closer, reaffirmed their faith in each other and the goodness in people, and set the stage for future endeavors of compassion and support. K.Ragavan

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Small Story 8.Mummy Proposes God disposes

Small Story 8 Mummy Proposes God Disposes.. Chander, an experienced architect engineer, decided to take up a three-year contract in Dubai due to the attractive package offered. For over a decade, he had been working as a freelancer, primarily focusing on projects from home. He lived with his mother and retired bank officer father. Initially, his mother was hesitant about the move abroad, but she eventually came around, especially since the new house construction required significant funding. Chander agreed to marry a girl whom his family had chosen for him, although he hadn't met her yet. With his parents' blessings, he embarked on his journey to Dubai. A few months into his work, the company recognized his excellent performance and promoted him, offering an even better package.His mother has sent the photo of the girl she has seen for him by a different address by oversight. Meanwhile Chander fall in love with his Colleague who was also an architect assisting him in his team.He called Mummy and told his decision mummy was shocked.She asked why he has refused the girl picture she has sent to him by courier.Chander asked her mummy told by oversight mummy's friends address and also forgotten the letter.Chander told mummy he has promised to marry nivedha.Mummy was feeling but meantime she received a call from his friend's son from Dubai.He thanked her for sending the picture and he agreed to marry her with their parents concern was made her happy.Chander's Mummy is a strong devotee of Srinivasa and probably with his blessings both marriages are decided like this.She called Chander and told she and dad agreed for his marriage and send her picture in WhatsApp and not in Courier. K.Ragavan.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Small Story 7. Age plays

Small Story 7. Age plays In the bustling streets of JP Nagar, Bengaluru, Ambujam, a regular visitor of the famous temple, emerged without collecting prasadam due to her hurry. The temple was packed because of the Varalakshmi Pooja festival, and with the streets crowded, getting an auto was a challenge. Ambujam didn't know how to call an Uber or Ola since she wasn’t familiar with the apps. Just then, a familiar face appeared: Rajyashree, her old schoolmate. Rajyashree greeted Ambujam warmly and offered her a ride, as she was also heading to their friend Pankajam's house. The two chatted animatedly during the ride, discussing everything from the latest saree designs to school memories. Upon reaching Pankajam's house, they were warmly welcomed. After spending an hour enjoying sweets and conversation, a group of children came over to pay their respects. One of the children addressed them as "Grandma," but Rajyashree quickly corrected the child, saying, "You should call us 'Aunty' instead." Ambujam, noticing Rajyashree’s reaction, whispered to her, “You know, the age factor and our appearance inevitably influence how people address us. No one can escape from that.” Rajyashree nodded in agreement, reflecting on how age and appearance play a role in relationships and social interactions. K.Ragavan

Tribute to Writer ,Producer,Director, S.S.Rajamouli .831.

Tribute to Writer,Producer,Director S.S.Rajamouli The Indian film industry, renowned for its vibrant and diverse cinematic offerings across languages like Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and more, has witnessed many illustrious talents. Among them, one name stands out prominently in recent decades: S. S. Rajamouli. A visionary producer, writer, and director, Rajamouli has significantly impacted the global film landscape with his unparalleled creativity and dedication to the craft. S. S. Rajamouli's cinematic journey is nothing short of extraordinary. His films are celebrated for their lavish production values, cutting-edge technology, and breathtaking visual aesthetics. Rajamouli’s ability to blend traditional storytelling with modern filmmaking techniques has set new benchmarks in the industry. What sets Rajamouli apart is his penchant for creating epic sagas with grandiose settings and elaborate narratives. Films like Baahubali and RRR are prime examples of his mastery in weaving larger-than-life stories that captivate audiences across the globe. His meticulous attention to detail, combined with a flair for creating immersive worlds, has redefined the standards of Indian cinema. Rajamouli’s impact extends well beyond Indian shores. His work has been recognized on international platforms, showcasing the richness of Indian storytelling to a global audience. The universal appeal of his films, coupled with their spectacular visual effects and engaging plots, has earned him a distinguished place in the annals of international cinema. Rajamouli’s contributions to the film industry are not just limited to his directorial ventures. His role as a producer and writer further amplifies his influence, fostering new talent and driving innovation in the industry. His commitment to pushing the boundaries of filmmaking continues to inspire countless aspiring filmmakers. In conclusion, S. S. Rajamouli stands as a monumental figure in the Telugu film industry and beyond. His visionary approach to filmmaking, coupled with his dedication to creating visually stunning and narratively compelling films, makes him a true trailblazer. As we celebrate his achievements, we eagerly anticipate the future masterpieces he will undoubtedly bring to the world of cinema .Today i want to pay tribute to this legend in my blogs. K.Ragavan Until We Meet Again Next Week,

Friday, August 16, 2024

Small Story 6.An Hour Tension.

Small Story 6.An Hour Tension. Anand paced back and forth on the platform at Bangalore Jayanagar station, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of Rekha. The clock on the station wall seemed to taunt him with every passing minute. Two trains had already departed, and Rekha was still nowhere to be seen. Anand's thoughts raced as he replayed their recent conversations in his mind. He remembered how their friendship had blossomed so quickly after she had returned his forgotten wallet. Their conversations had flowed effortlessly, revealing shared dreams and aspirations. Anand had felt an instant connection, something rare and precious. They had even talked about marriage, considering their families’ wishes and their own budding feelings. Anand glanced at his phone, hoping for a message or a missed call, but the screen remained stubbornly blank. His fingers drummed impatiently against his thigh. His heart sank with every minute that passed. Had something happened to her? Or had she simply changed her mind? His phone buzzed suddenly, and Anand's heart skipped a beat. He snatched it up, but it was only a notification from a news app. Frustrated, he let out a sigh and looked around again. The station's hustle and bustle seemed to mock his anxiousness. Just as he was about to lose hope, a familiar figure appeared in the distance. Rekha, with her warm smile and apologetic eyes, hurried towards him. Anand's breath caught in his throat as he saw her. "I'm so sorry, Anand," Rekha said, her voice filled with genuine regret. "I got caught in traffic and couldn't reach you on time. I should have called." Anand's initial anger melted away as he saw her earnest expression. He could see that she had been through a stressful journey to get here. He took a deep breath, allowing the relief to wash over him. "It’s okay, Rekha," he said, his voice softer now. "I was just worried. Let’s not let this ruin our plans. We’ve waited long enough." Rekha nodded, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and affection. "Absolutely. Let's talk, and make the plans we’ve been dreaming about." As they walked towards a nearby café, hand in hand, the worries of the past hour seemed to dissolve. The promise of their future together felt more tangible now, and Anand couldn’t help but smile. They were both nervous, but also excited, ready to take the next step in their journey together. K.Ragavan

From my Good Friend Ramasubramaniam.

Good day. Aug 15th being Independence day, using each of the letters of word Independence, i have tried to put words related to journey of Our Great Nation. Pls read and let me know your inputs. Happy Independence Day - No. 78. ( pls see in landscape mode) Exhibiting Impressive Growth with good Natural Resources, trying its best to have Diplomatic relations with other countries, Emerging nation in Science and Technology and Largely having Philosophical Outlook, Brimming with Enthusiasm , Always seeking cordial relations with Neighbouring Nations, maintains unity in Diversity, consistently growing Economy, a responsible Nuclear Power, showing Candid response to major world events, Lately focusing on Education of the masses. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY # 78

Thursday, August 15, 2024


" Letter Published I The National UAE on 16 August, 2024 With regard to Taniya Dutta's report Protesting Kolkata doctors claim cover-up in killing of trainee Indian medic after arrest (August 13): The 31-year-old resident doctor killed so brutally while she was on shift at a hospital was a chilling story. It is not surprising that the city of Kolkata and the entire country is protesting against the crime, reminding women once again of how unsafe the streets and even supposed safe places can be. Doctors are often viewed as the saviours of humanity. Perhaps this case is all the more shocking because the vile treatment of a medical professional has shaken the public even more than other cases of violence against women. The extent of injuries on the body of the deceased doctor were shocking and such a state of affairs is tragic and highly condemnable. It's unacceptable in any society. The police have arrested a civic volunteer, who has reportedly confessed to the crime. The case raises several questions and it is no wonder that protests across cities have disrupted patient care. Crimes against women cannot be tolerated. K Ragavan, Denver, Colorado

Good Srirangam.

*பூலோக வைகுந்தம்* “ரிடயர் ஆன பிறகு எங்கே வாழ்க்கையை ஓட்டப் போறே?” நண்பன் என்னிடம் கேட்டான். “வேறே எங்கே, ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் தான்!” இது நான். அப்போது நான் வேலை பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தது மும்பை மாநகரத்தில். “ஸ்ரீரங்க ரொம்ப செலவு பிடிக்குமேய்யா?” “இருந்துட்டு போகட்டுமே, யாருக்குச் சொத்து சேர்க்கப் போறோம்?” “அது சரி,உனக்கு பிடுங்கல்னு யாரும் இல்லை" “அதனாலே இல்லையா, கடைசி காலத்துலேயாவது அந்த ரங்கன் கால்லே விழுவோமே. “ எங்கும் சுத்தி ரங்கனச் சேர்” அப்பிடின்னு சொல்வாங்களே , அதனால ஸ்ரீரங்கத்திலே போய் செட்டில் ஆகலாம்னு இருக்கேன்" மற்றொரு வீட்டில், “எங்க இப்பிடி பிடிவாதம் பிடிக்கிறீங்க? நமக்குத் தான் மேலூர் ரோட்லே வீடு இருக்கிறபோது அத வித்துட்டு சித்திரை வீதிலே போய் வீடு வாங்கனுன்னு சொல்றிங்க” “உனக்கு என்ன தெரியும், பெருமாள் எப்பப் பார்த்தாலும் மேலூர் ரோடுக்கு வருவாரா? சித்திரை வீதின்னா வாசல்லேயே பெருமாள் புறப்பாடு பாக்கலாமில்லியா?” இன்றொரு வீட்டில், “நல்ல வேலை கோவிலுக்குள்ளேயே வீடு கட்ட இன்னும் அனுமதி தரல்ல, இல்லைன்னா அங்கதான் வீடு வாங்கன்னு சொல்லி என்னை ஹிம்சை பண்ணி இருப்பே, நல்ல பொண்ணு நீ" மனைவியைக் கடிந்து கொள்கிறான் கணவன். “அப்பா. உனக்கும் அம்மாவுக்கும் ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் ஒரு அடுக்கு மாடி குடியிருப்பில் ஒரு வீடு பதிவு செய்துள்ளேன், சரிதானே", மகன் அமெரிக்காவில் இருந்து அப்பா, அம்மாவை கடைசி காலத்துக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் இருக்க, skypeஇல் கூறுகிறான். அவன் கவலை, “எங்கேயாவது அப்பா தன்னை அமெரிக்காவை விட்டு உடன் புறப்பட்டு வந்து விடு என்று சொல்லிவிடுவாரோ? “ என்ன இதெல்லாம்? இதெல்லாம் தினந்தோறும் பல இடங்களில் ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தைப் பற்றி நடக்கும் உரையாடல்கள் தான். எல்லோருக்கும் ஆசை, தன்னுடைய வாழ்நாளில் கொஞ்ச நாட்களாவது ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் இருந்து அரங்கனாதனைத் தரிசிக்க வேண்டும் என்பது. ஸ்ரீரங்கத்து வீதிகளில், அது சித்திரை வீதியாகட்டும் அல்லது உத்தர வீதியாகட்டும் பல நாட்கள் பிரதக்ஷணம் வர வேண்டும் என்பது எத்தனை பேருக்கு ஆசை. இங்கு ஆசார்யர்கள் செய்யும் உபன்யாசங்களில் கலந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்பது எத்தனை பேருக்கு ஆசை! நமக்கு மட்டுமா அந்த ஆசை? எத்தனை ஆழ்வார்களை ஈர்த்துள்ளது? எத்தனை ஆசார்யர்க்ளை ஈர்த்துள்ளது? அப்படி என்னையா ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் இருக்கு? ன்னு நீங்க கேட்கிறது எனக்குத் தெரியுது. என்ன இல்லை ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் ஸ்ரீரங்கம் என்பது ஒரு கடல்.அதனைக் கடப்பது என்பது முடியாதது. அதனால் அதன் கரையில் இறுதி கொண்டு அனுபவிப்போம். “வைகுந்தம் அடைவது மன்னவர் விதி' என்று ஆழ்வார் அருளியபடி எல்லோருக்கும் கடைசி ஆசை வைகுந்தம் அடையவேண்டும். வைகுந்தம் கிடைக்குமோ கிடைக்காதோ (ஏன் என்று நமக்கே தெரியும்),ஸ்ரீரங்கம் பூலோக வைகுந்தம். வைகுந்த அனுபவம் இங்கேயே கிடைக்கிறது என்றால் யாருக்குத் தான் ஆசை இருக்காது? ஆதிசங்கரர் தன்னுடைய ரெங்கநாத அஷ்டகத்தில் "”இதம் ஹி ரங்கம் த்யஜதா மிஹாங்கம் புனர் ந சாங்கம் யதி சாங்கமேதி! பாணெள ரதாங்கம் சரணேsம்பு காங்கம் யானே விஹங்கம் ஸயநே புஜங்கம்!!” என்று ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் வாழ ஆசைபடுகிறார் என்றால் பாருங்கள்.ஆசைப்பட்டது எல்லாத்தையும் கொடுக்கும் இடம் ஸ்ரீரங்கம்.இங்கு உடலை நீத்தவன் பிறப்பதில்லை என்கிறார் ஆதிசங்கரர்.. அப்படி என்னையா ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் இருக்கு? ன்னு நீங்க கேட்கிறது எனக்குத் தெரியுது. என்ன இல்லை ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில்! ஸ்ரீரங்கம் 108 திவ்விய ஸ்தலங்களில் முதலாவது ஆகும். ஆழ்வார்கள் மங்களாசாசனம் செய்த வைஷ்ணவ ஆலயங்களை திவ்விய ஸ்தலங்கள் என்பர். பதின்மர் பாடிய பெருமாள் அரங்கன். ஆராதஅருளமுதம் பொதிந்த கோயில் அம்புயத்தோன் அயோத்தி மன்னற் களித்தகோயில் தோலாத தனிவீரன் தொழுத கோயில் துணையான வீடணற்குத் துணையாங்கோயில் சேராத பயனல்லாஞ் சேர்க்குங் கோயில் செழுமறையின் முதலெழுத்து சேர்ந்த கோயில் தீராத வினையனைத்தும் திர்க்கும்கோயில் திருவரங்க மெனத் திகழுங்கோயில் தானே! என்று தன்னுடைய அதிகார ஸங்க்ரஹம் என்ற நூலில் ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தைப் பற்றி ஸ்வாமி தேசிகன் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். .ஸ்வயம் வ்யக்த ஷேத்ரம் மொத்தம் எட்டு.,அதாவது தானாகவே உண்டான ஷேத்ரங்கள் இவை. தெற்கே வானமாமலை, தொண்டை நாட்டிலே ஸ்ரீமுஷ்ணம், தமிழ் நாட்டின் எல்லையில் திருவேங்கடம், ஸ்ரீரங்கம், வடநாட்டில் பதரிகாசரமம், சாலக்ராமம், ராஜஸ்தானில் புஷ்கரம், நைமிசராண்யம், என்பவை தான் அவை. வானமாமலையில் எண்ணெய் விசேஷம். அங்கு திருமடப்பள்ளியில் வரமிளகாய் பயன்படுத்துவதில்லையாம். பகவான் காடு ரூபமாக உள்ளார் நைமிசாரண்யத்தில். தண்ணிர் ரூபத்தில் உள்ளார் புஷ்கரத்தில். ஸ்ரீமுஷ்ணத்தில் மூலஸ்தானத்தில் வராஹமுர்த்தி தனியே கோயில் கொண்டுள்ளார். இந்த ஸ்வயம்வ்யக்த ஷேத்ரங்களில், ஸ்ரீரங்கம் ஒன்றில் தான் பெருமாள் சயனக் கோலத்தில் உள்ளார். மற்ற இடங்களில் நின்று கொண்டோ அல்லது அமர்ந்த நிலையில் காட்சி அளிக்கிறார். ஆக ஸ்ரீரங்கத்திற்கு விசேஷம் சயனக் கோலம், .ஆழ்வார்கள் பனிரெண்டு பேரும் எங்கே பிறந்தார்கள் பாருங்கள்.பொய்கை ஆழ்வார் காஞ்சியிலும், ,பூதத்தாழ்வார் மயிலாபூரிலும் பூதத்தாழ்வார் திருக்கடல்மல்லை என்று ஆழ்வார்கள் எல்லோரும் வெவ்வேறு இடத்தில் பிறந்து இருந்தாலும் சேர்ந்த இடம் ஸ்ரீரங்கம். எப்படிங்கிரிங்களா? கணிதத்தில் சைபர் தெரியமா? அதுக்குத் தனியாளா என்ன மதிப்பு? ஒன்னும் கிடையாது.அதை எதாவது எண்ணுக்கு பின்னாலே போடுங்க, என்ன ஆறது பாருங்க, மதிப்பு கூடுதில்ல. அந்தக் காலத்திலே கோள்களைப் பத்தி, பாரதத்திலே எவ்வளவு ஆராய்ச்சி செய்து இருக்காங்க, ஆனா ஏதோ தாங்கத்தான் கண்டுபிடிச்சது போல சொல்லிக்கொண்டு இருக்காங்களே, “பழி ஓரிடம், பாபம் ஓரிடம்" பழமொழி போல ஆழ்வார்கள் வெவ்வேறு இடத்திலே பிறந்தாலும் “அடியவர்கள் வாழ, அரங்கநகர் வாழ" என்று அரங்கனைத்தான் வாழ்த்தினார்கள். அப்படிப் பெருமை பெற்றது ஸ்ரீரங்கம். இது மட்டுமா? “இவ்வளவு நேரம் ஆயிடுச்சு, சயனம் கொள்ளுகிற நேரத்திலே எங்க கிளம்பிட்டிங்க” என்று அடியவர் திருமாலிருஜ் சோலை பெருமாளைப் பார்த்துக் கேட்கிறார். “இரும் அடியவரே, நாளைக் காலை தரிசனம் கொடுப்போம், பள்ளி கொள்ள ஸ்ரீரங்கம் செல்கிறோம்" ,என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு கிளம்பினார் அழகார் மலை அழகன். அவர் மட்டுமா, திருவேங்கடத்தான், “எப்போது பொது சேவை முடியும்' என்று அர்ச்சகரைப் பார்த்துக் கேட்கிறார். “ஏன் ஸ்வாமி" இது அர்ச்சகர். “பள்ளி கொள்ள ஸ்ரீரங்கம் செல்ல வேண்டும்” என்கிறார், பெருமாள். விக்கித்து நிக்கிறார் அர்ச்சகர். இப்படி எல்லா திவ்விய தேசத்து பெருமாளும் பள்ளி கொள்ள ஸ்ரீரங்கம் வருகிறார்களாம். நான் சொல்லவில்லை ஐயா, நாச்சியார் தன் நாச்சியார் திருமொழியில், “தெள்ளியார் பலர் கைதொழும் தேவனார் வள்ளல் மாலிருஞ்சோலை மணாளனார் பள்ளி கொள்ளுமிடத்தடி கொட்டிட கொள்ளு மாகில்நீ கூடிடு கூடலே” என்று எல்லா திவ்விய தேசத்து எம்பெருமான்களும் பள்ளி கொள்ள ஸ்ரீரங்கம் வருகிறார்கள் என்று பாசுரத்தில் கூறுகிறார் எத்தனை மகிமை ரங்கநாதனுக்கு! 🙏🙏🙏

Small story 5. Touching Journey.

Touching Journey Kesav boarded the bus to Tirunelveli, feeling a mix of anticipation and fatigue. It was his first journey to the city in years, and though he had usually traveled by night train, he had to settle for the bus this time due to a lack of reservations. As he found his seat, he noticed a familiar face . "Hi, you’re Shekar, right?" Kesav asked eagerly. The man turned to him with a puzzled look and replied, "Sorry, I’m not Shekar. My name is Ramu." Kesav’s smile faltered. He felt a pang of disappointment, scolding his memory for failing him. He had been looking forward to catching up with an old schoolmate he hadn’t seen in a decade, and now it seemed that hope had evaporated. As the bus started its journey from Madurai to Tirunelveli, Kesav’s thoughts were interrupted by a call from his wife, Shobana. "Hello, Kesav. Don’t forget to buy two kilos of Tirunelveli halwa—one for us and one for my friend Nithya. And remember, you’re coming back tomorrow night." Kesav chuckled, "Of course, Shobana. How could I forget? Tirunelveli halwa is sweeter like the people here, and the Thamirabarani water is the best!" The bus made a stop at Kovilpatti, and passengers poured out to grab coffee. Kesav stretched his legs and reboarded the bus. As they resumed their journey, he glanced at the man beside him, who seemed to be lost in thought. Finally, after an hour and a half, the bus arrived at the Tirunelveli bus stand. Kesav grabbed his suitcase and stepped off, looking around for an auto to take him to his hotel. To his surprise, Ramu, his seatmate, was also getting off the bus. An unfamiliar man approached Ramu with a warm smile. "Hello, Shekar! How are you?" the man said, shaking Ramu’s hand. Kesav’s heart skipped a beat. “Shekar? But…you said your name was Ramu…” Ramu looked at Kesav, his expression solemn. “I’m sorry. My real name is shekhar. I had to tell you I was Ramu because I didn’t want to burden you with the truth.” Kesav was puzzled. Before he could respond, Shekar turned to the man who had greeted him. "I’m sorry for deceiving you, old friend. I didn't want to tell you the truth. I’m at the final stage of cancer, and the doctors have said there’s nothing more they can do. I didn’t want to dampen your visit with this news. I wanted to remember our time together as happy and carefree." Tears welled up in Kesav’s eyes as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. His old friend was struggling with such a profound challenge, and he had been completely unaware. "Shekar," Kesav said softly, embracing his old friend, "I wish you had told me sooner. But know this: your strength and bravery are what matter now. Let’s make the most of the time we have together. We’ll share memories and stories, and I’ll cherish every moment." As they headed to the waiting vehicle, Kesav realized that sometimes, the most touching journeys are the ones that reveal the deepest truths. In the midst of pain and sorrow, he found solace in the enduring bond of friendship and the chance to make a difference in someone’s final days. Together, they set off towards Shekar’s home, where Kesav hoped to bring a little sweetness into his friend’s life, just as his wife had reminded him to bring the Tirunelveli halwa. K.Ragavan

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sirukathai 4.Prarthanai ondrey Parikaram.

சிறுகதை 4. பிரார்த்தனை ஒன்றே பரிகாரம்.. அம்புஜம் தனது பிரியமான தெய்வமான ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாளுக்கு மரியாதை செலுத்தி, திருப்பாவை பாராயணம் செய்து, வழக்கமான பக்தியுடன் தனது நாளைத் தொடங்கினார். கணவன் செய்தித்தாளில் மூழ்கியிருந்த ஹாலுக்கு நகர்ந்தபோது காலை வழக்கம் ஒரு அமைதியான தொனியை அமைத்தது. "மதிய உணவு தயாராக உள்ளது," என்று அவள் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் சொன்னாள், தட்டுகள் மற்றும் பிற பொருட்களை மேசையில் வைத்தாள். அவர்கள் அமர்ந்ததும் அம்புஜம் தன் கணவனிடம் ஒரு எண்ணத்தைப் பகிர்ந்துகொண்டாள். "தபால்காரரிடமிருந்து எங்களுக்கு கடிதங்கள் வந்த நாட்களை நான் இழக்கிறேன். இப்போது எல்லாமே மின்னஞ்சல் மற்றும் தொலைபேசி அழைப்புகள்தான். கொஞ்ச நாட்களாக ராமிடம் இருந்து எந்த தகவலும் வரவில்லை. அவர் நலமாக இருப்பார் என நம்புகிறேன்" என்றார். அப்போது, கணவரின் போன் ஒலித்தது. அது அவர்களின் மகன் ராம், உலகின் மறுகோடியிலிருந்து அழைத்தான். "ஹலோ அப்பா! நீயும் அம்மாவும் எப்படி இருக்கீங்க? நாங்கள் இங்கே நன்றாக செய்கிறோம். எனக்கு சில உற்சாகமான செய்திகள் உள்ளன. நாளை, நான் சுகந்தியுடன் வருகிறேன். நான் இந்தியா கிளைக்கு நிரந்தரமாக மாறியுள்ளேன்!" "அப்படியா? தட்ஸ் வொண்டர்ஃபுல் நியூஸ்!" என்று தன் உற்சாகத்தை மறைக்க முடியாமல் அவள் கணவன் பதிலளித்தான். " இந்த இடமாற்றத்திற்காக நான் உப்பிலியப்பனிடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்தேன், அவர் என் பிரார்த்தனைகளுக்கு பதிலளித்தார். நான் அதை ஒரு ஆச்சரியமாக வைத்திருக்க விரும்பினேன். சுகந்தியும் நானும் உங்கள் இருவருடனும் நெருக்கமாக இருக்க இதுவே சரியான நேரம் என்று நினைத்தோம். இது சிறிது காலமாகிவிட்டது, நான் உங்களுடன் இருக்க விரும்புகிறேன், வருகைகளுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல, நிரந்தரமாக. நானும் உங்க அம்மா, அப்பா கிட்ட அதிக நேரம் செலவழிக்கிறேன்." இந்த உரையாடலைக் கேட்ட அம்புஜத்தின் இதயம் மகிழ்ச்சியில் பொங்கியது. ராமின் முடிவால் மட்டுமல்ல, அவனது பிரார்த்தனைகள் இவ்வளவு விரைவாக நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டதாலும் அவள் சிலிர்த்தாள். அவள் தன் இதயத்திற்கு நெருக்கமாக வைத்திருந்த பிரார்த்தனை ஒரு பேரக்குழந்தைக்காக இருந்தது - எட்டு நீண்ட ஆண்டுகளாக இருந்த ஏக்கம். அவர் எப்போதும் ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியாரின் அர்ப்பணிப்புள்ள பக்தராக இருந்தார், மேலும் அவரது பிரார்த்தனைகள் நிறைவேறும் என்று அவர் உறுதியாக நம்பினார். ஒரு பேரக்குழந்தையின் யோசனை அவளுக்கு நம்பிக்கையையும் எதிர்பார்ப்பையும் நிரப்பியது. தன்னுடைய ஜெபங்களுக்குப் பதில் கிடைக்க இந்த சந்திப்பு சரியான வாய்ப்பாக இருக்கும் என்று அவள் அறிந்திருந்தாள். ராமும் சுகந்தியும் தங்கள் பயணத்திற்குத் தயாரானபோது, அம்புஜம் ஒரு புதிய ஃபீ உணர்வை உணர்ந்தார் K.Ragavan

Small Story 4. Prayer is the only remedy..

Small story 4.Prayer is the only remedy.. Ambujam began her day with the usual devotion, paying homage to her beloved goddess Sri Andal and reciting Thirupavai. The morning routine set a serene tone as she moved to the hall where her husband was engrossed in the newspaper. "Lunch is ready," she said cheerfully, placing the plates and other items on the table. As they settled down, Ambujam shared a thought with her husband. "I miss the days when we used to get letters from the postman. Now everything is email and phone calls. I haven't heard from Ram in a while. I hope he’s alright." Just then, her husband’s phone rang. It was Ram, their son, calling from the other side of the world. "Hello, Dad! How are you and Mum? We’re doing great here. I have some exciting news. Tomorrow, I’m coming over with Sugandhi. I've transferred permanently to the India branch!" "Really? That's wonderful news!" her husband responded, unable to hide his excitement. "Yes, and we’re going to Uppiliappan Temple the day after tomorrow. I had prayed to Lord Uppiliappan for this transfer, and He answered my prayers. I wanted to keep it a surprise. Sugandhi and I thought it was the right time to be closer to you both. It’s been a while, and I want to be with you, not just for visits but permanently. I’ll also be able to spend more time with you, Mum and Dad." Ambujam’s heart swelled with joy as she overheard the conversation. She was thrilled not only by Ram’s decision but also by the fact that his prayers had been answered so swiftly. Her own prayer, which she had kept close to her heart, was for a grandchild—a longing that had been there for eight long years. She had always been a devoted follower of Sri Andal Nachiar, and she believed firmly that her prayers would be fulfilled. The idea of a grandchild filled her with hope and anticipation. She knew that this visit might just be the perfect opportunity for her prayers to be answered. As Ram and Sugandhi prepared for their journey, Ambujam felt a renewed sense of faith and excitement. The thought of finally having a grandchild brought a radiant smile to her face. She had always believed that the divine would grant her wishes in its own time, and this moment felt like a blessing about to unfold. K.Ragavan

Letter .

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Short Story 3. Unexpected Prize Money.

Ramaseshan had embraced retirement with enthusiasm, channeling his energy into social service for senior citizens. Ten years had passed since he had left his job in the private sector, and though he had no pension, he was content, living off the interest from his savings. His daughter, Mridula, was settled in Dubai with her husband, Aditya, and their son, who excelled in his studies. Ramaseshan and his wife would spend three months each year with them, enjoying the vibrant city and its efficient systems. One morning, after a brisk walk, Ramaseshan was delighted to bump into an old colleague, Raj, who had come to Bengaluru to visit him. They exchanged warm greetings and reminisced about old times before Ramaseshan took him home to meet his wife. After Raj left, Ramaseshan settled down with the newspaper, reflecting on his recent visit to a senior citizens' home he supported. The building’s dilapidated state weighed heavily on him, and he wished he could do more. Later that day, Ramaseshan took his bath and sat down for his daily prayer in front of his Anjaneyar idol, seeking divine guidance. Just then, his phone rang. It was Mridula. “Hi, Dad! How are you and Mum?” “We’re doing well, dear. How’s Aditya?” Ramaseshan asked. “We’re all fine,” Mridula replied. “Do you remember the raffle ticket you bought a few months ago, the one you were reluctant to purchase? Well, you’ve won! The prize is 50 lakhs!” Ramaseshan’s heart raced with disbelief and joy. He had never expected such a windfall. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that this unexpected blessing could be used to support his beloved senior citizens’ home. “I’m sending you the details and authorization letter right away,” Mridula continued. “Once the money is transferred, it’s yours to do with as you please.” Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ramaseshan called the manager of the senior citizens’ home immediately. “I’m donating Ten lakh rupees for the renovation of the building. I want to see it transformed within a month.” His wife, overhearing the conversation, joined him in joyful tears. The unexpected prize money was not just a stroke of luck but a divine affirmation of his dedication to helping others. Rama seshan’s heart swelled with satisfaction, knowing that this generous gift would bring comfort and joy to many deserving souls. K.Ragavan

Short story 3.Unexpected Prize.

சிறுகதை 3.எதிர்பாராத பரிசு ராமசேஷன் பத்து ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு ஓய்வு பெற்று, மூத்த குடிமக்களுக்கு சமூக சேவை செய்து தனது வாழ்க்கையை அனுபவித்து வருகிறார். கடவுளின் அருளால் ஒரு மகள் கணவருடன் துபாயில் குடியேறினார். இருவரும் துபாய் அரசில் பணியாற்றி வருகின்றனர். அவர்களுக்கு பத்தாம் வகுப்பு படிக்கும் ஒரே மகன் எப்போதும் வகுப்பில் அதிக மதிப்பெண்கள் எடுப்பான். ஓய்வூதியம் கிடைக்காமல் தனியார் துறையில் பணியாற்றி ஓய்வு பெற்றார். தான் சேமித்து வைத்திருக்கும் பணம், வட்டியுடன், மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியாகவும், திருப்தியுடனும் வாழ்ந்து வருகிறார். ஒவ்வொரு ஆண்டும் அவர் தனது மனைவியுடன் மகள் வீட்டிற்குச் சென்று மூன்று மாதங்கள் தங்குகிறார். அவர் துபாயின் சூழலையும் அவர்களின் அமைப்பையும் விரும்புகிறார். இன்று நடைப்பயிற்சியை முடித்துவிட்டு யாரோ கூப்பிட, திரும்பிப் பார்த்தான்,தன் பழைய சகாவைப் பார்த்த சந்தோஷம். சென்னையிலிருந்து பெங்களூருவில் உள்ள ராமசேஷன் வீட்டில் உள்ள தனது மகனை பார்க்க ராஜ் வந்தார்.சில நிமிடங்கள் பேசிவிட்டு ராமசேஷன் அவரை தனது வீட்டிற்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றார். போன பிறகு ராமசேஷன் இன்றைய பேப்பர் படித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தார். மூத்த குடிமக்களுக்கு அவர் செய்யும் சேவை அவருக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியை அளித்தது, மாதந்தோறும் முதியோர் இல்லத்திற்கு சென்று வந்தார். இன்று அவர் அவர்களின் கட்டிடத்தின் நிலைமைகளைப் பார்த்து செய்ய விரும்பினார் . துரதிர்ஷ்டவசமாக அவர் தனது சேமிப்பிலிருந்து மிகக் குறைந்த வட்டியைப் பெறுகிறார். பின்னர் நீராடி, ஆஞ்சநேயர் முன் சாமி தரிசனம் செய்தார். அதற்குள் அவருக்கு மகள் மிருதுளாவிடமிருந்து அழைப்பு வந்தது ஹலோ, அப்பா, அம்மா நீங்க ரெண்டு பேரும் எப்படி இருக்கீங்க. அப்பா.நல்லா இருக்கோம். மாப்பிள்ளை எப்படி இருக்கிறார், ஆதித்யா மிருதுளா.எல்லாரும் நல்லா இருக்காங்க அப்பா. சில மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு நீங்கள் ஒரு பிரபலமான எக்ஸ்சேஞ்சுக்குச் சென்றபோது, உங்களுக்கு விருப்பமில்லாத லாஃபிள் டிக்கெட் வாங்கச் சொன்னேன். பின்னர் நீங்கள் வாங்கினீர்கள், இன்று நீங்கள் 50 லட்சம் இந்தியப் பணத்திற்கு சமமான பரிசுத் தொகையைப் பெற்றுள்ளீர்கள். உங்கள் ஐடி மற்றும் அங்கீகார கடிதத்தை உடனடியாக அனுப்புங்கள். நான் பரிமாற்றத்திலிருந்து பணம் பெற்றவுடன் நான் மாற்றுவேன். அது உங்கள் பணம். கடவுளின் ஆசீர்வாதத்திலிருந்து இவ்வளவு பெரிய எதிர்பாராத பரிசை ராமசேஷன் எதிர்பார்க்கவில்லை. avar கண்களில் ஆனந்தக் கண்ணீர் வழிந்தது. முதியோர் இல்ல சீரமைப்பு கடவுளுக்கு உதவ அவர் எடுத்த முடிவு இப்போது அவருக்கு பணம் கொடுத்துள்ளது. அவர் உடனடியாக வீட்டு மேலாளரை அழைத்து ஒரு மாதத்தில் 10,00000 ரூபாய் புனரமைப்புக்கு நன்கொடை அளிப்பதாக கூறினார். ஹோம் மேனேஜருடன் அவர் பேசியதைக் கேட்டு avar மனைவி மகிழ்ந்தாள் K.Ragavan.

Diary Impact Story. 2

short story Diary Impact The case of a famous industrialist Nagaraj murder was going for more than a month in the high court and the verdict was postponing due to strong evidences of the accused retired school teacher who was taking tuition to hisgrand son every day evening.The murder was happened one of the evening during his tuition day and every one in the house was suspected him.Because the teacher was asking a loan of rs 50000 to his grand son's colleage fees which will be adjusted in his tuition fees in five instalments which Nagaraj refused.Peoplein the house including servant are suspecting the teacher.Court was also not in the favour of accused.Today the judge post poned the verdict since his last day of his service and the new judge will give the verdict tomorrow.Teacher Ramaswamy 's wife was sheding tears in the court and cried why God is testing their family.Next day the usual time court started and the new judge who was a lady explained the case by others.Then started the conversation Judge.What is your name Ramaswamy.Myname is Ramaswamy I am a retired school teacher . Judge.why you killed Ramaswamy.No, i saw the body only when I entered in the room Judge.What is your hobby or passion Ramaswamy.From my child hood I have the habit of writing diary and on that day also I wrote in my diary.Since they allowed me to go and inform my family and bring them. Judge.can you submit your diary in this court in an hour Ramaswamy.sure His wife went and brought his diary from home. The judge saw and written like this I was shocked to see the body and heard some body inside running Judge.He is a retired school teacher and teaching good things only to students for their future and he also taught to students to cultivate the habit of writing diary.Since I was his student till today I follow his advice.I give my verdict he is innocent.Those write diary they never tell lie Since some body was running that should be probed and report to this court soon.I released the teacher who was done a Nobel service and one lakh rupees should be given to him for made stress and tension Ramaswamy was folded his hands to judge Thank you Madam After few minutes Judge came down Did you recognise me sir, I am your student and you gave 10rs for me topay my fees With your advice I studied well started writing Diary and till today I continue Today I have posted to this court as judge and I am your old student now Judge Vasanthi Ramaswamy was sheding tears and blessed her for a bright career for Vasanthy in the future for her honest verdict in his case should continue He also realised the impact of his passion writing Diary K.Ragavan

Monday, August 12, 2024

One minute story.

Travel and experience. Ram was waiting in Denver airport after checking the luggage and immigration.suddenly he saw one middle aged women was sitting next to him wished Ram and ram too wished her.Are you going to India ,lady asked him.Yes,ram replied .How about you.I am going to London and after a week i will come back to India.After few seconds lady again started my name is vasanthi,i am a journalist came officially to US and now going to UK. I am Ram i came to see my friend here stayed for one month today returning.I see, good .what is your impression about this Country.Good question,i am visiting first time to this beautiful country which has created a big image in the global arena.One must have travel experience .Vasanthi,True.What are you.Basically i am a Creative person. I do ad films and documentaries.Ram's first experience with the Award winning Journalist vasanthi helped him to build his career in newheights. Travel and experience gives you good rewards. K.Ragavan.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Madal 78.

Dear Loving Mummy, I am lunch box friend is writing.Very unexpected tragic incident happened when your loving son and my parents travelling and with heavy rains our car driver stopped in the side.Our fate was very cruel one heavy vehicle was taking the turn since the route was ghat section and with heavy speed crashed our car in to pieces.our car was thrown and all the four including driver was in the car.Luckily some good people called the big ambulence and brought them to near by government hospital.Knowing this crude incident i rushed to the hospital.Mean time my parents ,driver passed.Your son was just breathing .After seeing me slowly he whispered that he may nor survive.He took one promise from me that i have to be with you and dad.Having known his promise that he won't get married .I was shocked and i never expect this tragil end happens to my parents and your loving son and because of me he came for the wedding.Ipromised i will take care of his parents bring them to our place and i also promised that i won't get married will take his position as son for you both.Mean time his last breath was stopped and his body was completly damaged.I am sending his picture for seeing him last.You need not come here since the body was complety damaged.I will come there mummy in two days and take you both to your new home with daughter son.You willbe knowing me as lunch box friend today you know my real name Vasanthy I can not console mummy for this irrecoverable loss which you have more attachment.Your pooja on every friday is helping you that i am joining with you as daughter son.Forme too you both are my loving mummy and dad.I will come there day after tomorrow incidently friday .Your pooja day.Do not loose your mind and hope. Your loving Vasanthy is joining you on friday.We will start a new life in the new environment and surrounded with temples. Loving Vasanthy to Loving Ambujam Mummy

Madal 77.

Dear Loving Mummy, Received your letter and noted your advice on my regular diet and certainly follow .Lunch box friend left by train and we started by car and reached the marriage hall in Udupi.Had good dinner and stayed comfortably attended the reception music.Both bride and bridgroom was nice pair.Both are working in IT sector will be leaving for US after the wedding.The hospitality showered on me was wonderful.Morning after attending Muhurtam and heavy lunch at 12 pm we started.Lunch box friend stayed one day for other rituals.We enjoyed the ghat section sceneswhile coming. I received a call from office saying my story was bestowed an award of rupees one lakh was thrilled and remember Mummy's blessings.Suddenly rain started heavily and driver was going slowly. Rest i will write Take care Loving and obedient son

Madal 76.

Dear Loving Son, Received your letter and happy to note that doctor friend ,Lunch box friend and others complimented me. for the sweets .After you went back one month has gone very fast.Hope tomorrow you are going to Udupi for the marriage of Lunch box friend relative.Since she has to go early for some function she will be going in train and you ,parents along with driver will be going their car.Pray for krishna all of us and friends should have peace and healthy life.Be careful in the new place and take food regularly.Dad also told the same.Even though i could not come my mind will be in Krishna only. Regards to all Loving Mummy

Tribute for Peace.

Tribute for peace .830 Recent violence and looting public properties of Hindus in Bangladesh is not only condemned but also highly unacceptable.For any disputes violence is not the answer.Discussions with groups can be come to an end.To build anty thing is a big task but destroying is easy.People should think and implement their action .Though interim administration formed it takes time for the normalcy .People should respect their migrants irrespective of religion and safe guard their interest is more needed at this juncture.IPray for the normalcy must come back soon with the present administration.Bharath is trying it's best to safeguard every indian residing there.Again i appeal looting the properties and hurting people is not the answer. K.Ragavan Until See You Next Week, 12-8-24

Tribute 830.

அமைதிக்கு அஞ்சலி .830 பங்களாதேஷில் அண்மையில் இந்துக்களின் வன்முறை மற்றும் பொதுச் சொத்துக்கள் சூறையாடப்படுவது கண்டிக்கத்தக்கது மட்டுமல்ல, மிகவும் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள முடியாததுமாகும். எந்த சர்ச்சைகளுக்கும் வன்முறை தீர்வாகாது. குழுக்களுடனான விவாதங்கள் முடிவுக்கு வரலாம். பழமையை உருவாக்குவது பெரிய காரியம் ஆனால் அழிப்பது எளிது. மக்கள் சிந்தித்து தங்கள் நடவடிக்கைகளை செயல்படுத்த வேண்டும். இடைக்கால நிர்வாகம் அமைக்கப்பட்டாலும் இயல்பு நிலை திரும்ப காலம் பிடிக்கும். மதத்தைப் பொருட்படுத்தாமல் மக்கள் தங்கள் புலம்பெயர்ந்தோரை மதிக்க வேண்டும், இந்த நேரத்தில் அவர்களின் நலன்களைப் பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும். தற்போதைய நிர்வாகத்துடன் இயல்பு நிலை விரைவில் திரும்ப வேண்டும். அங்கு வசிக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு இந்தியரையும் பாதுகாக்க பரத் முயற்சி செய்கிறார். சொத்துக்களை கொள்ளையடிப்பதும், மக்களை துன்புறுத்துவதும் தீர்வாகாது என்று மீண்டும் வேண்டுகோள் விடுக்கிறேன். கே.ராகவன் அடுத்த வாரம் சந்திப்போம், 12-8-24

Madal 75.

Dear loving Mummy, Reached my place yesterday safely after spending one monthwith you and dad.Recollecting our outings for various places.Especially Kutralam,Thenthiruperai,Alwar tirunagari , and Srivaikuntam temples.Visited many places in the town and friend's places made me more happy.Your delicious food items,sweets and snacks i enjoyed .Here also distributed to our office staff and other friends.Doctor friend complimented that your mummy not only graceful,elegant but also a wonderful cook.Same from Lunch box family too.Still i spent with you my old memories and dad is amazing.Loving my mum and dad for all the hospitality extended to your loving and obedient son. Take care both of you. Loving and obedient son

Madal 74.

Dear Loving and obedient son, Received your letter and noted the contents with your matured thoughts.Happy Lunch box friend invited us to attend their family marriage at Udupi the famous Krishna temple located.when you come next week we will discuss.Me and dad may not be coming .Since dad's contract will be over in ten months.I will prepare your favourite sweets and snacks too.Tomorrow friday pooja 15 people i am expecting.Hope you will complete our native story when you come here.Regards to all your friends.Now you have completed 27 and Krishna will give his blessings for a bright future since you got marriage invitation i am telling lord krishna and you are going to attend. Loving mummy

Madal 73.

Dear Loving Mummy, Received your touching letter expressing the present on going thoughts on us.You are a gifted person can over come our present inner feelings and do not take in to your head.Fridays you continue your prayer for Goddess Thayar and invite friends as usual.As your friend rightly expressed life is not permanent.We have to face both side of the coin Sad and happiness..My work is fine.Yesterday i attended the tea meeting with Kovilpatti friend.Lunch box friend's parents are invited me and family to attend their relative's marriage at Udupi next month end.Since i am coming there for vacation next week i will discuss.Take care both of you. Loving obedient son

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Madal 72.

Dear loving son, Just now i received your letter and noted the contents.I was really taken a back of reading your uncomfortableness like me and morning you have prayed Srianjaneyar as you have mentioned i prayed Sri lakshminarasimhar was amazing.I rember few days back my good friend told in life what ever comes wheather good thing or bad thing you have to accept should not cry.God has given good and bad for certain reasons and we have to respect and accept.I am prepared for any eventuality.Dad and me are very happy enjoying our life exchanging our pleasant memories of your child hood and how you have grown to day as a writer.Happy i will be seeing you in two months time.Today Dad told next year his contract will be over completing three years.We are enjoying a good quality life in our good old favourite place Nellaiappar Tirunelveli.Regards to all friends. Loving Mummy

Madal 71.

Dear Loving Mummy, Your letter received and happy that you appreciated me for following your advice and other religious things which you learned from your loving dad.I was happy of every thing you have mentioned but one thing i was little up set about your inside problem which you are unable to tell.Similarly from yesterday night i too have some kind of uneasiness which i am unable to express.Coincidence of my loving mummy and Son have some uncomfortable inside with us.Morning i prayed SriAnjaneyar to give strength and courage.Ineed not tell to my loving mummy you might have prayed your favourite god Lakshmi narasimhar to give courage.Days are going very fast.Another two months time i will be coming for vacation. Take care both of you Loving and obedient Mumma son


Friday, August 9, 2024

Madal 70.

Dear Loving and Obedient son, Received your letter appreciating your grandpa and his devotion to Thayar and the name he has given to me Ambujam.Ever since the name was bestowed to me by my loving dad i was not only studying well in early school days ,but also inculcated by my dad with good moral stories which is very essential for children and also good manners.Later i followed his foot steps when you are born.You also taken interest and grasp what all the things i taught.More than that we both have bonding as mummy and obedient son till today and i am confident itwill continue because of the oath you have taken.How ever i am happy few days my mind is disturbed due to some unknown factor which i am unable to explain.Daddy told me i should relax and pray more.Nothing more to add. Take care and regards to all friends Loving affectionate Mummy

Madal 69.

Madal 69. Dear loving Mummy, Received your lovely letter how my grandpa gave you the beautiful divine name and his attachment to Thayar really touching.In this world Thayar is the supreme person gives her blessings to his children and all.Work is going smoothly.Today doctor friend's dad called me and asked to come Sunday for lunch.I dod not confirmed.Since one of our client had come yesterday to our office and incidently he is native of Kovil Patti and brought chukki which his relatives traditional business.i was thinking of you and dad like this sweet.He invited me Sunday for tea.That was the reason I have not decided doctor friend's dad invitation. Take care both of you Always remembering Mumma's loving and obedient son

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Madal 68.

Madal 68 Dear loving and obedient son, Received your affectionate touching letter highlighting my qualities .I am really blessed by goddess Thayar whom I do pooja for decades which you have witnessed.My name was given by myloving dad since he is a devotee of Ambujavalli Thayar from younger days.For his blessings and thayar aasirvadam every one likes me.Your doctor friend complimented you as mumma boy I am dad's daughter.I am the only daughter to my parents and similarly you are the only loving obedient son. Already after your birth day 15 days gone.Me and dad are fine.My regards to all your friends. Loving Mummy

Madal 67.

Madal67. Dear loving Mummy, Received your letter and noted the contents.One of your admirable Good qualities i admit .In the previous temple visit i observed your star name on that day only which you have forgotten Gotham admitted was admirable.As you have mentioned the new channel my lunchbox friend's mummy was alsowatching told her to see me that was coincidence.What ever mummy doesothers follow shows the right path.Yesterday I prayed in the temple and done archanai with star and Gotham.They gave prasadam Chakaraipongal which you like and told to the doctor friend accidently came to temple.she replied you are Mummy's boy and you are blessed.she asked your name and told divine one and very common in our community .I was also taken a back Ambujam mummy name was not only divine but also respectful.I want to share this and namaskaram to dad. Loving and obedient son

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Madal 66.

Dear Loving and Obedient Son, Received your letter and happy to note your observations on me either in manners or in religious habits i have inculcated to you made me more proud about you.Yesterday i met one friend in the shopping complex and she was more practical and adviced me in general never have attachment to any thing and her reasons was convinced me.I am happy you remember my star and dad's.Some times i forget to tell gothram of our"sand on one occassion you might have observed only on stars it is my error.Our gothram is Athreya which is respected one and you should be proud.I come across beautiful girls but you have decided not to marry.Watching Useful programmes and recently watching one Channel promoting motivational stories for all especially for children.Her efforts should be appreciated and time taken for bringing is admirable.I bless her all the success in her future projects.Her voice and modulation mummy likes.This is my recent passion of seeing this channel.Take care As you have mentioned your 27 Bday is coming in next week Saturday.You can do archanai on that day your star Bharani,Athreya gothram. Loving Mummy

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Madal 65.

Dear Loving Mummy, Received your letter and amazed to your vision for our Bharath. Educated people of all walks of life should be retained here and they should be looked after very well to eradicate their mind set to go out of Bharath.I am really proud of my mummy and her foresight for Bharath to become a great nation in the coming days.Here my life is really beautiful with good environment and good association of friends.As you rightly said the present administration over all doing good job for the development.I too want qualified people should be retained here for our future development.For this not only the ruling administration but also other opposition parties should cooperate for the nation.Despite difference of opinion and ego.I am really amazed to see the calender that writing letters of bothfor more than sixmonths gone.Deepavali also i missed.I have for gotten to tell yesterday my lunch box friend with her parents have gone to Melkote temple .The Place famous for the long standing stay of Acharyan Sri Ramanuja in the history.She wanted your name and dad stars name to perform archana in the temple Lord Selva pillai and Thayar.i gave Dad's name Rangarajan ,star Moolam,your name Ambujam star pooram.Hope i remember correctly this because when ever i come to temple along with you you tellthis to Archagar.Nothing more to add. Hope i will be completing 27 and entering in to 28 in few days.Take care both of you Loving and obedient son

Good one.

அம்பலம் இணைய இதழில் சுஜாதா எழுதிய கேள்வி பதில்கள்.... கேள்வி: சுஜாதா சார்! கம்ப்யூட்டர் கம்ப்யூட்டர் என்று பேசுகிறீர்களே... கொஞ்சம் சாப்பாட்டைப் பற்றிப் பேசலாமே. உங்கள் கணிப்பொறி நிறுவனத்தில் கேன்டீன் எப்படி? - பதில்: கணிப்பொறி, கேன்டீன் இரண்டிற்கும் அடிக்கடி ஒரே பிரச்சினைதான் : ‘‘சர்வர் ப்ராப்ளம்’’. கேள்வி: திருமணத்திற்கும் மரபுக் கவிதைக்கும் என்ன சார் தொடர்பு? பதில்: இரண்டிலும் சீர் உண்டு. திருமணமும் ஒரு ‘தளை’தானே? இரண்டும் வளமடையத் தேவை ‘பொருள்’தான். இரண்டிலும் வெற்றி பெற நன்கு யோசித்து ‘அடி’யெடுத்து வைக்க வேண்டும். இரண்டிலும் இலக்கணப் பிழைகள் இருக்கக் கூடும். மணம் புரிந்து கொண்ட மனைவி ‘வஞ்சிப்பா’ளானால் வாழ்க்கை ‘வருத்தப்பா’ ஆகிவிடும். கேள்வி: ஒன்றுக்கு மேற்பட்ட எண்ணிக்கையாக இருந்தால் ‘கள்’ சேர்த்துக் கொள்கிறோம். (உம்) பறவை, பறவைகள்; நூல் நூல்கள் -இப்படி. ஆனால் 1330 இருந்தும் அதனை திருக்குறள் என்றுதானே சொல்கிறோம். திருக்குறள்கள் என்று சொல்வதில்லையே. பதில்: திருக்குறள் கள்ளை அனுமதிப்பதில்லை. கேள்வி: ‘மானும் மழுவமேந்தி மலர்ப் பாதம் தூக்கி ஆடும் இறைவன்’ என சிவனை கவிஞர்கள் பாடுகிறார்களே; ‘மலர்ப் பாதம்’ பெண்களுக்குத் தானே பொருந்தும். சிவனுக்கு எப்படி? – பதில்: சிவனே என்றிராமல் இப்படியொரு சக்தியுள்ள கேள்வி கேட்டிருக்கிறீர்கள். மலர்ப்பாதம் என்ற சொல்லுக்கு மலர் போன்ற பாதம் என்றுதான் பொருள் கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்பதில்லை. மலர்களால் அர்ச்சிக்கப்படுகிற பாதம் என்று பொருள் கொள்ளலாமல்லவா? உவமைத் தொகையை மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும் பயனும் உடன் தொக்க தொகையாகப் புரிந்து கொள்ளுங்களேன். கேள்வி: தற்போதைய பட்டிமன்றங்கள் பற்றி என்ன நினைக்கிறீர்கள்? – பதில்: கி.வா.ஜ., குன்றக்குடி அடிகளார், திருச்சி தேசியக் கல்லூரி முன்னாள் பேராசிரியர் ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் போன்றோர் காலங்களில் பட்டிமன்றங்கள் சிந்தனையைத் தூண்டின. இப்போது பெரும்பாலான பட்டிமன்றங்கள் நகைச்சுவை என்ற பெயரில் சிரிப்பாய்ச் சிரிக்கின்றன. கேள்வி: லால்குடி ஜெயராமனு்க்கும், லால்குடியில் காவேரிக் கரையில் விவசாயம் செய்யும் விவசாயிக்கும் ஏதேனும் ஒற்றுமை உண்டா? பதில்: உண்டே. இவர் ஸ்வரம் பாடுகிறார்; அவர் உரம் போடுகிறார். இவர் பண் மூலம் பண்படுத்துவது மனதை; அவர் மண் மூலம் பண்படுத்துவது நிலத்தை. மொத்தத்தில் இருவருமே வயலின் மேன்மைக்காகப் பாடுபடுகிறார்கள். கேள்வி: சமையலில் மனைவிக்கு உதவி செய்வீர்களா? பதில்: சமையல் கலை இரண்டு பகுதிகளைக் கொண்டது. ஒன்று சமைப்பது. இன்னொன்று சாப்பிடுவது. நான் இரண்டாவது பகுதியில் உதவுவதுண்டு. கேள்வி: நீங்கள் மரபுக் கவிதைகள் எழுதுவது உண்டா? உங்களுடைய ஏதாவது ஒரு மரபுக் கவிதை ப்ளீஸ்! பதில்: உண்டு. எப்போதாவது. ‘வேண்டாம் வரதட்சணை’ என்ற ஈற்றடிக்கு முன்பு தினமணி கதிரில் ஒரு நேரிசை வெண்பா எழுதினேன். அது- பத்து பவுன் தங்கம் பளிச்சென்ற கல்வளையல் முத்திலே சின்னதாய் மூக்குத்தி - மத்தபடி பாண்டு வைத்து ஊர்கோலம் பாட்டு இவைதவிர வேண்டாம் வரதட் சிணை! கேள்வி: ‘சிங்களத் தமிழ்’, ‘சிங்கார சென்னைத் தமிழ்’ ? பதில்: இலங்கைத் தமிழர்களுடன் கதைக்கும் போது அவர்கள் பாவிக்கும் சில தமிழ் வார்த்தைகள் சொக்கிலேற்றுகளாய்த் தித்திக்கும் என்று நம்மால் அவதானிக்க முடிகிறது. கனகாலமாய் அவற்றைப் படித்து வருவதால் சென்னைத் தமிழைப் பொறுத்தவரை அதிக அளவில் கெட்ட வார்த்தைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தும் வட்டாரத் தமிழ் அதுதான். கேள்வி: காதல் கவிதை எழுதக் காதலித்துத்தான் ஆக வேண்டுமா? பதில்: சரிதான்... துப்பறியும் கதை எழுத கொலை செய்ய வேண்டும் என்பீர்களா? கேள்வி: ஊழல் பெருச்சாளிகள் எங்கிருந்து வருகிறார்கள்? பதில்: பெரும்பாலும் அரசியல் சாக்கடையிலிருந்துதான். கேள்வி: ஆலய உண்டியலில் பணம் போடுவது, ஏழையொருவனுககு அறம் செய்வது. -நற்பயன் தரக் கூடியது? பதில்: ‘நடமாடும் கோயில் நம்பர்க்கொன்று ஈந்தால் அது படமாடும் கோயில் பரமற்கு போய்ச் சேரும் என்கிறார் திருமூலர். ஏழை சப்-போஸ்ட் ஆபீஸ், கடவுள் ஹெட் போஸ்ட் ஆபீஸ். ஏழைக்குக் கொடுத்தால் கடவுளுக்குப் போகும். கேள்வி: தினமும் பூண்டு சாப்பிட்டால் இதய நோய் வராதாமே? பதில்: தொடர்ந்து அதன் நாற்றத்தைச் சகித்துக் கொள்வதில் உறுதிபூண்டு செயல்பட்டுப் பாருங்கள். கேள்வி: இடமிருந்து வலமாக வாசித்தாலும், வலமிருந்து இடமாக வாசித்தாலும் ஒரே வார்த்தையைத் தரும் ‘விகடகவி’யைப் போல் வேறு ஏதாவது? பதில்: ‘தேருவருதே’, ‘மோருபோருமோ’ தமிழில் ஒரு முழுக்குறள் வெண்பாவே இப்படி இருக்கிறது. ‘நீவாத மாதவா தாமோக ராகமோ தாவாத மாதவா நீ’ கேள்வி: அன்னை ஓர் ஆலயம் என்று கூறுவது ஏன்? பதில்: ‘கர்ப்ப’க்கிரகம் அங்கிருப்பதால்... சுஜாதாவை ருசிப்பவருக்காக.... நன்றி : சுட்டு ஃபார்வரட் செய்தவருக்கு🙏😌

Monday, August 5, 2024

Madal 64.

Dear loving and obedient son, Received your letter and amazed to see your city's development and migrant occupation.I am happy you have gone to a right place to learn and move with people.This is very essential for your Creative field.Me and dad going out some time in the evening daily and happy to see the city grows over the decades.Today India is developing in all aspects especially Infrastructure,highways,airports ,train services,above all Metro rails are dominating in all major cities.On the one hand i am really proud of our nation and on the other bright students of major universities like IIT and other medical colleage should be given good opportunities here instead they go out side the country for bright future.As your Mummy i have this feelings in me and when my feelings fulfilled.?Nothing more to add. Loving Mummy

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Madal 63.

Dear Loving Mummy, Received your letter and noted the contents.No wonder my friend recoganized you with your saree and gracefulness.Here rain started yesterday heavily.Traffic is increasing due to more IT offices and private companies. .Good city known for climate and living conditions with friendly people.Above all they give respect to every one and god fearing.New buildings are coming every day because of it's acceptance nature of people migrating from different indian states.Good restaurants with tasty delicious food is added advantage or this city.My office also new colleagues have joined from different cities.Always remembering my loving mummy who inculcate good habits to me.You and Dad must come stay here for some time once dad complete one year in Tirunelveli. Loving and obedient son

Tribute to Intuition829.

Harnessing Intuition for Career Decisions: A Personal Journey In October 1993, I took a significant leap of faith by deciding to move abroad at the age of 48. My destination? The United Arab Emirates. This decision, driven by intuition and a calculated risk, was aimed at securing a better career future. By October1993, I arrived in the UAE, where I spent 16 transformative years before returning in 2009. Reflecting on my journey, it’s clear that intuition played a crucial role. While calculated risks may not always yield the same results today due to intensified global competition, intuition remains a powerful tool for navigating one’s future. For professionals with extensive experience who may feel stalled in their current roles, intuition can guide them towards new opportunities. Even in today’s complex and competitive environment, there are fields where intuition and experience can intersect to create new possibilities. In the realm of global marketing, for instance, there is considerable scope for individuals with a background in areas like pharmaceuticals, risk management, advertising, creative ideas, and print media. These fields continue to offer potential for growth and innovation. Ultimately, while the landscape has changed, intuition coupled with experience can still illuminate paths to new and rewarding opportunities.Today i am happy to register this Intution in my blogs may help people to choose their future. K.Ragavan 5-8-24 Until We Meet Again Next Week

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Madal 62.

Dear Loving and obedient son, Received your letter and noted the contents.Yesterday our visit to temple and restaurant was nice.In the restaurant we met your friend who dropped you in car last time came and wished us.Iwas wondering how he knows us.He cleared our surprise that you showed our picture to him when you are travelled last time with him.He told me ,aunty after seeing the color of your saree i was sure you are my friend's mummy was made me more happy.Any color of saree is makingme with graceful and easy identification was god's blessings.More than twenty years i have been doing pooja on Goddess is the main blessings for me if i am right.How is your lunch box and new doctor friend and their parents.Nothing more at the moment Take care Loving Mummy

Friday, August 2, 2024

Madal 61.

Madal 61 Dear loving Mummy, Received your letter and noted the contents.I am happy you and dad going to temple also have new restaurant tiffin.Nellai Lodge and Chandra villas are the old hotels I remember dad used to tell.Hope for temple Mummy will be wearing blue colur saree I remember from younger days.Nothing more to add.Take care of you both. Loving and obedient son

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Madal 60.

Dear loving and obedient son, Received your letter and you expressed your love and affction on your Mummy's sarees wearing and gracefulness with respect shows how you respect elders especially Mummy.I am really proud to have you as my loving and obedient son and i sincerly pray god that if i have next birth you should be my son .Coming from my bottom and your inclination to take care of me in my later age you have decided not to marry was still in my mind and i admire your strong will power.Dad is fine.Today we are planning to go totown temple and on the way just for a change we want to have tiffin in the newly opened restaurant in Nellai lodge.Idlies and other dishes was nice told by dad's friend is the reason we are planning.Take care Loving caringand affectionate Mummy

Letter .