Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Diary Impact Story. 2

short story Diary Impact The case of a famous industrialist Nagaraj murder was going for more than a month in the high court and the verdict was postponing due to strong evidences of the accused retired school teacher who was taking tuition to hisgrand son every day evening.The murder was happened one of the evening during his tuition day and every one in the house was suspected him.Because the teacher was asking a loan of rs 50000 to his grand son's colleage fees which will be adjusted in his tuition fees in five instalments which Nagaraj refused.Peoplein the house including servant are suspecting the teacher.Court was also not in the favour of accused.Today the judge post poned the verdict since his last day of his service and the new judge will give the verdict tomorrow.Teacher Ramaswamy 's wife was sheding tears in the court and cried why God is testing their family.Next day the usual time court started and the new judge who was a lady explained the case by others.Then started the conversation Judge.What is your name Ramaswamy.Myname is Ramaswamy I am a retired school teacher . Judge.why you killed Ramaswamy.No, i saw the body only when I entered in the room Judge.What is your hobby or passion Ramaswamy.From my child hood I have the habit of writing diary and on that day also I wrote in my diary.Since they allowed me to go and inform my family and bring them. Judge.can you submit your diary in this court in an hour Ramaswamy.sure His wife went and brought his diary from home. The judge saw and written like this I was shocked to see the body and heard some body inside running Judge.He is a retired school teacher and teaching good things only to students for their future and he also taught to students to cultivate the habit of writing diary.Since I was his student till today I follow his advice.I give my verdict he is innocent.Those write diary they never tell lie Since some body was running that should be probed and report to this court soon.I released the teacher who was done a Nobel service and one lakh rupees should be given to him for made stress and tension Ramaswamy was folded his hands to judge Thank you Madam After few minutes Judge came down Did you recognise me sir, I am your student and you gave 10rs for me topay my fees With your advice I studied well started writing Diary and till today I continue Today I have posted to this court as judge and I am your old student now Judge Vasanthi Ramaswamy was sheding tears and blessed her for a bright career for Vasanthy in the future for her honest verdict in his case should continue He also realised the impact of his passion writing Diary K.Ragavan

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