Thursday, August 15, 2024


" Letter Published I The National UAE on 16 August, 2024 With regard to Taniya Dutta's report Protesting Kolkata doctors claim cover-up in killing of trainee Indian medic after arrest (August 13): The 31-year-old resident doctor killed so brutally while she was on shift at a hospital was a chilling story. It is not surprising that the city of Kolkata and the entire country is protesting against the crime, reminding women once again of how unsafe the streets and even supposed safe places can be. Doctors are often viewed as the saviours of humanity. Perhaps this case is all the more shocking because the vile treatment of a medical professional has shaken the public even more than other cases of violence against women. The extent of injuries on the body of the deceased doctor were shocking and such a state of affairs is tragic and highly condemnable. It's unacceptable in any society. The police have arrested a civic volunteer, who has reportedly confessed to the crime. The case raises several questions and it is no wonder that protests across cities have disrupted patient care. Crimes against women cannot be tolerated. K Ragavan, Denver, Colorado

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