Sunday, August 11, 2024

Madal 77.

Dear Loving Mummy, Received your letter and noted your advice on my regular diet and certainly follow .Lunch box friend left by train and we started by car and reached the marriage hall in Udupi.Had good dinner and stayed comfortably attended the reception music.Both bride and bridgroom was nice pair.Both are working in IT sector will be leaving for US after the wedding.The hospitality showered on me was wonderful.Morning after attending Muhurtam and heavy lunch at 12 pm we started.Lunch box friend stayed one day for other rituals.We enjoyed the ghat section sceneswhile coming. I received a call from office saying my story was bestowed an award of rupees one lakh was thrilled and remember Mummy's blessings.Suddenly rain started heavily and driver was going slowly. Rest i will write Take care Loving and obedient son

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