Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Small story 11. Timely Help.

In a bustling town, the new academic year had begun, and Arjun was eagerly waiting for his father's decision regarding his college admission. Arjun had earned a spot in a prestigious institution, but the hefty fee of fifty thousand rupees was a major obstacle. His father, Ramamirtham, was thrilled to support his son's dream, but his financial situation was strained. Ramamirtham’s monthly salary, after deductions, was only 27,000 rupees. On top of that, he was still repaying loans from his two daughters' weddings for the past eight years. Every morning during his walks, Ramamirtham confided in his friend Krishnan about his struggles. Krishnan, who also worked for a modest salary, had one daughter who worked at a multinational company with a lucrative salary. Despite their different financial statuses, Krishnan always offered Ramamirtham comfort and support. The next day, when Arjun decided to approach his father for an update, he found that Ramamirtham had left for work earlier than usual. Determined to find a solution, Arjun went to the college administrator, Seshan, to request an extension on the fee payment, given his rank. To his surprise, Seshan handed Arjun a receipt for the fee payment, already taken care of. Arjun was baffled and asked who had made the payment. Seshan’s reply left him astonished: it was Vasanthi. Arjun had never heard the name before. Later, he learned that Vasanthi was none other than Krishnan’s daughter, the one with the well-paying job. Touched by this unexpected gesture, Arjun approached Krishnan to express his gratitude. Krishnan explained that his daughter, Vasanthi, had always admired Arjun’s hard work and was moved by Ramamirtham’s dedication to his family. Vasanthi wanted to help make Arjun’s dream a reality, appreciating the sacrifices Ramamirtham had made. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Arjun felt a renewed sense of determination. He promised himself that he would work hard to honor not only his father's sacrifices but also the kindness of Krishnan’s family. As he began his college journey, Arjun carried with him not just the weight of his ambitions but also the profound impact of timely help and true friendship. K.Ragavan

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