Friday, August 16, 2024

Small Story 6.An Hour Tension.

Small Story 6.An Hour Tension. Anand paced back and forth on the platform at Bangalore Jayanagar station, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of Rekha. The clock on the station wall seemed to taunt him with every passing minute. Two trains had already departed, and Rekha was still nowhere to be seen. Anand's thoughts raced as he replayed their recent conversations in his mind. He remembered how their friendship had blossomed so quickly after she had returned his forgotten wallet. Their conversations had flowed effortlessly, revealing shared dreams and aspirations. Anand had felt an instant connection, something rare and precious. They had even talked about marriage, considering their families’ wishes and their own budding feelings. Anand glanced at his phone, hoping for a message or a missed call, but the screen remained stubbornly blank. His fingers drummed impatiently against his thigh. His heart sank with every minute that passed. Had something happened to her? Or had she simply changed her mind? His phone buzzed suddenly, and Anand's heart skipped a beat. He snatched it up, but it was only a notification from a news app. Frustrated, he let out a sigh and looked around again. The station's hustle and bustle seemed to mock his anxiousness. Just as he was about to lose hope, a familiar figure appeared in the distance. Rekha, with her warm smile and apologetic eyes, hurried towards him. Anand's breath caught in his throat as he saw her. "I'm so sorry, Anand," Rekha said, her voice filled with genuine regret. "I got caught in traffic and couldn't reach you on time. I should have called." Anand's initial anger melted away as he saw her earnest expression. He could see that she had been through a stressful journey to get here. He took a deep breath, allowing the relief to wash over him. "It’s okay, Rekha," he said, his voice softer now. "I was just worried. Let’s not let this ruin our plans. We’ve waited long enough." Rekha nodded, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and affection. "Absolutely. Let's talk, and make the plans we’ve been dreaming about." As they walked towards a nearby cafĂ©, hand in hand, the worries of the past hour seemed to dissolve. The promise of their future together felt more tangible now, and Anand couldn’t help but smile. They were both nervous, but also excited, ready to take the next step in their journey together. K.Ragavan

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