Thursday, August 29, 2024

Small story 13.Dedication and threat.

short story13. Dedication and threat. Ranganayaki was waiting for son’s arrival from the office.Her son was working for a leading daily paper as Editor.His working hours are not like others ,responsibility is more to deliver correct updates and news to people and inform what is happening to the society.His ten years service for the past few months was tired to report daily rape and gang rape cases and how women were treated by unscrupulous people .He has been continuously mentioning a stringent law should be implemented to eradicate this menace to save women.At times he gets threaten calls to safeguard his life from various goondas and criminals in the society.Editor Varun is bold,brave and love his journalism field wanted to inform the society with autheticity.He may go home late some days after receiving the reports from reporters .His mother will always be tense till he returns.His recent worry that a new rule must be implemented for the criminals who does not respect women and do rape individually as well gang rapes.Ranganayaki too pray her favourite goddess Sri Andal to help her son and safeguard women in the society.Today not only for women but also honest journalists life too at risk .Will both of them saved by implementing new laws is Varun’s task.who is responsible and his answer is administration .For that he prepared a opinion column and hence his departure to home was late. Ranganayaki sat by the window, her gaze fixed on the street below, waiting for her son’s arrival. The soft glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm, golden light, but her heart was heavy with worry. Her son, Varun, had been working as an editor for a leading daily newspaper for over a decade. His role was demanding, often keeping him away from home late into the night. His dedication to his job was unwavering, but it came with a price. Varun’s recent work had been particularly harrowing. His reports had been filled with stories of rape, gang rapes, and the horrific treatment of women by unscrupulous individuals. Each story he uncovered seemed to pile more weight onto his shoulders. He often spoke of the need for stringent laws to combat these heinous crimes, believing that only strong legal measures could protect women and make society safer. The threats Varun received from various criminals and goondas only added to Ranganayaki’s anxiety. She prayed daily to her favorite goddess, Sri Andal, asking for her son’s safety and for protection for women everywhere. The growing danger surrounding honest journalists like Varun was troubling, and she feared for his life each time he left for work. Today was no different. Varun had left the office late again, his departure delayed by the preparation of an opinion column he hoped would spark change. He was passionate about his cause, but his bravery came with personal risk. The column was a powerful piece advocating for new laws that would target those who committed sexual crimes, both individually and in gangs. Varun believed that the responsibility lay with the administration to implement these laws and bring about meaningful reform. As the hours ticked by, Ranganayaki’s worry grew. She knew that Varun’s work was crucial, but she couldn’t help but be anxious for his safety. The increasing violence against women and the threats to journalists made her prayers all the more fervent. Finally, the sound of the door creaking open broke the silence. Varun walked in, his face tired but determined. Ranganayaki rushed to him, her concern melting into relief as she hugged him tightly. “Late night again?” she asked, her voice filled with both affection and worry. Varun smiled wearily, “Yes, Mama. I had to finish the column. I hope it makes a difference.” Ranganayaki looked into her son’s eyes, seeing the resolve that had driven him through countless sleepless nights. “I’m proud of you, Varun. But please, take care of yourself too.” Varun nodded, understanding the depth of her concern. “I will, Mama. And I believe that change is coming. It has to.” As mother and son settled into their evening routine, the city outside continued its relentless pace. Ranganayaki held onto a glimmer of hope, trusting that Varun’s efforts would bring about the change they so desperately needed. For now, she was just grateful to have her son home, safe and sound. K.Ragavan

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