Saturday, August 10, 2024

Madal 72.

Dear loving son, Just now i received your letter and noted the contents.I was really taken a back of reading your uncomfortableness like me and morning you have prayed Srianjaneyar as you have mentioned i prayed Sri lakshminarasimhar was amazing.I rember few days back my good friend told in life what ever comes wheather good thing or bad thing you have to accept should not cry.God has given good and bad for certain reasons and we have to respect and accept.I am prepared for any eventuality.Dad and me are very happy enjoying our life exchanging our pleasant memories of your child hood and how you have grown to day as a writer.Happy i will be seeing you in two months time.Today Dad told next year his contract will be over completing three years.We are enjoying a good quality life in our good old favourite place Nellaiappar Tirunelveli.Regards to all friends. Loving Mummy

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