Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Short Story 3. Unexpected Prize Money.

Ramaseshan had embraced retirement with enthusiasm, channeling his energy into social service for senior citizens. Ten years had passed since he had left his job in the private sector, and though he had no pension, he was content, living off the interest from his savings. His daughter, Mridula, was settled in Dubai with her husband, Aditya, and their son, who excelled in his studies. Ramaseshan and his wife would spend three months each year with them, enjoying the vibrant city and its efficient systems. One morning, after a brisk walk, Ramaseshan was delighted to bump into an old colleague, Raj, who had come to Bengaluru to visit him. They exchanged warm greetings and reminisced about old times before Ramaseshan took him home to meet his wife. After Raj left, Ramaseshan settled down with the newspaper, reflecting on his recent visit to a senior citizens' home he supported. The building’s dilapidated state weighed heavily on him, and he wished he could do more. Later that day, Ramaseshan took his bath and sat down for his daily prayer in front of his Anjaneyar idol, seeking divine guidance. Just then, his phone rang. It was Mridula. “Hi, Dad! How are you and Mum?” “We’re doing well, dear. How’s Aditya?” Ramaseshan asked. “We’re all fine,” Mridula replied. “Do you remember the raffle ticket you bought a few months ago, the one you were reluctant to purchase? Well, you’ve won! The prize is 50 lakhs!” Ramaseshan’s heart raced with disbelief and joy. He had never expected such a windfall. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that this unexpected blessing could be used to support his beloved senior citizens’ home. “I’m sending you the details and authorization letter right away,” Mridula continued. “Once the money is transferred, it’s yours to do with as you please.” Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ramaseshan called the manager of the senior citizens’ home immediately. “I’m donating Ten lakh rupees for the renovation of the building. I want to see it transformed within a month.” His wife, overhearing the conversation, joined him in joyful tears. The unexpected prize money was not just a stroke of luck but a divine affirmation of his dedication to helping others. Rama seshan’s heart swelled with satisfaction, knowing that this generous gift would bring comfort and joy to many deserving souls. K.Ragavan

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