Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Small story 12.Earlier Rejection.

Small Story 12. Earlier Rejection. Shekhar walked into the interview room, only to find himself face-to-face with the HR Manager who had once been his college classmate—and someone he had harbored feelings for, only to be rejected. The recognition was mutual, and it was clear from the shocked expression on her face. "Please, sit down," Vasanthy, the HR Manager, said, regaining her composure. Shekhar took a seat, still taken aback by the unexpected reunion. Vasanthy glanced over Shekhar's credentials. "I see you've moved around quite a bit in your career. Why haven't you stayed in one place for more than a year?" Shekhar explained, "It was mainly due to the work environment and boss behavior." "Boss behavior?" Vasanthy asked, her curiosity piqued. Shekhar elaborated, "It's a matter of not respecting my work and suggestions in certain areas." "I understand," Vasanthy responded thoughtfully. "But if you join us here and face a similar situation, wouldn’t you just resign again?" Shekhar, feeling a bit disheartened, replied, "I don’t think I’ll be selected here anyway." Vasanthy was taken aback. "On what basis are you saying that?" Shekhar explained, "Because of my previous rejection." Vasanthy's expression softened. "That was for some genuine reasons. This time, you’re not rejected. I’ve always respected your academic credentials and knowledge, ever since our college days. Here, you are selected. The decision is up to you—whether you choose to stay or not." Shekhar was stunned by Vasanthy's words. Given the company's longstanding reputation and the promising offer, combined with Vasanthy’s acknowledgment of his skills and her candidness about the previous rejection, he felt reassured. He decided to accept the offer, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and a chance to prove himself. With a mixture of relief and new resolve, Shekhar signed the offer, putting aside any past rejections and focusing on the future ahead. K.Ragavan

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