Monday, September 16, 2024

GoodMovie Kotee Kannada

Recently I saw the Kannada movie Kotee and it was nicely handled by Director Parameswar Gundkal.Hero Kotee played by Dhananjay.Navami, Aayi played by vetern actress Tara, Ramesh Inder Rangayana raghuband others played well.Arun Bharma's cinematography nicely captured.Good entertaining movie facing the middle class.Good movie can be seen with family If I am right the background narration voice was like Achuyt Kumar. K.Ragavan

Small Story 22.Good Destination Meet.

Small Story 22.Padmanaban arrived at Egmore Station, his small suitcase in hand. With no need for a porter, he made his way through the bustling station, full of vibrant colors and activity. He quickly found his compartment and settled into his seat in the three-tier AC coach. His destination was Rameswaram, and though he had retired ten years ago with a comfortable pension, his life had become a series of aimless travels since his wife’s tragic accident three years prior. Without children or close family, the days felt increasingly lonely. As he sighed, murmuring to himself about the toughness of life, a woman approached. “Excuse me, seat number 3?” she asked, holding a bag. Padmanaban looked up and gestured to the opposite side of the compartment. “It’s over there,” he replied. Once she had settled, the woman introduced herself. “Hello, I’m Malavika, heading to Madurai.” Padmanaban smiled. “I’m going to Madurai too. Nice to meet you, Malavika.” As the train began its journey, the two started chatting in English. Malavika, who worked for a multinational company in Dubai, was traveling to Madurai to visit her uncle. Padmanaban learned that she had lost her father in a car accident when she was twenty, and she was now hoping to reconnect with her uncle, who had been out of touch for a while, with the hope of adopting him as a father figure. Their conversation revealed deep, unspoken desires and loneliness. Padmanaban felt a pang of sympathy. He understood Malavika’s longing for a father, and she understood his sense of emptiness, having never had children of his own. As the night wore on, Padmanaban made a silent vow to visit his friend in Madurai and then travel to Rameswaram to explore the possibility of adopting a girl. Both retired to sleep, their minds heavy with their personal quests. The next morning, at Dindigul Station, Malavika’s phone rang. She answered, and her face fell as she received the devastating news: her uncle had passed away the previous week from a heart attack and had disappeared into the sea during his bath. The body had not been recovered. Padmanaban, witnessing Malavika’s grief, felt a deep sadness for her loss. He offered his condolences. “I’m so sorry to hear that, Malavika.” Through her tears, Malavika responded, “I feel so unlucky. I thought I had a chance to find my father figure. You must be happy with your own family.” Padmanaban, moved by her words, replied gently, “I’m not happy, Malavika, not with a son or daughter. But if you would like, you could call me ‘dad.’” Malavika looked at him, her eyes wide with a mixture of hope and disbelief. “Would you really be willing to?” “Yes,” he said softly, “if it brings you comfort. I’ve been searching for a purpose and a way to fill the emptiness. Maybe this is the way.” A tentative smile spread across Malavika’s face, and for the first time in a long while, both felt a sense of connection that promised to fill the voids in their lives. K.Ragavan.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tribute to Global Indians 835.

Tribute to Global Indians: Celebrating Excellence Across Borders 835 In the tapestry of global achievement, the vibrant thread of Indian talent shines brightly. Today, we pay homage to the remarkable Indians who have carved out influential roles in various spheres worldwide. Their exceptional contributions span across corporate leadership, communal activities, and politics, underscoring a legacy of excellence and dedication. Indians have made indelible marks in the corporate world, often holding key positions in some of the most prestigious organizations. Leaders like Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet Inc., and Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, exemplify the profound impact of Indian vision and work ethic on a global scale. Their innovative leadership and strategic acumen not only drive their companies forward but also inspire a generation of future leader Beyond the boardrooms, Indians play a pivotal role in fostering community spirit and cultural exchange. Organizations and individuals contribute significantly to multicultural dialogues, celebrating and sharing Indian traditions while embracing and respecting their new homes. Whether it's organizing Diwali festivals, participating in cultural forums, or volunteering for social causes, their efforts enrich communities and build bridges across cultures. In the realm of politics, Indians have made their mark as influential policymakers and leaders. Figures such as Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, and Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, reflect the growing political clout of the Indian diaspora. Their roles underscore the blend of respect for their roots and commitment to their adopted nations, navigating complex global landscapes with grace and efficacy. One of the most admirable aspects of the global Indian community is their ability to maintain a deep connection with their heritage while embracing their new environments. Indian festivals, traditions, and cultural practices are celebrated with fervor and pride, even as they integrate into the multicultural fabric of their adopted countries. This duality of honoring one’s origins while contributing to a new society is a testament to their strength and resilience. In sum, the global Indian presence is a powerful testament to the capabilities and values that Indians bring to the world stage. Their achievements not only make India proud but also exemplify the universal principles of dedication, respect, and excellence. As they continue to shine brightly across various domains, they remind us of the profound impact that individuals and communities can have in shaping a more interconnected and vibrant world.Today i am very happy to pay tribute for the Global Indians in my Blogs. K.Ragavan 16-9-24 Until We Meet Again Next Week

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Small Story 21 Investigation Bonding

Investigation Bonding ஓய்வு பெற்ற பிறகு, ஆத்மராவ் ஒரு சிறப்பு பணியை மேற்கொண்டார்: அவருக்கு பிடித்த எழுத்தாளரின் புத்தகத்தைக் கண்டுபிடிப்பது. புலனாய்வுக் கதைகளின் வாழ்நாள் ரசிகரான அவர், தனது சேகரிப்பில் ஒரு புதிய சேர்க்கையைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆர்வமாக இருந்தார். அவர் பார்வையிட்ட விசித்திரமான புத்தகக் கடை ஒரு பழக்கமான புகலிடமாக இருந்தது, அதன் அலமாரிகளில் சாகசம் மற்றும் சூழ்ச்சிக்கு உறுதியளிக்கும் தலைப்புகள் வரிசையாக இருந்தன. அவர் இடைநாழிகளில் அலைந்து கொண்டிருந்தபோது, ஒரு உற்சாகமான குரல் அவரை வரவேற்றது. "சார், என்னை ஞாபகம் இருக்கா?" கேஷ் கவுண்டருக்குப் பின்னால் இருந்த இளைஞன் கனிவான புன்னகையுடன் கேட்டான். ஆத்மராவ் குழப்பத்துடன் அவனைப் பார்த்தார். அவனால் அந்த முகத்தை சரியாக அடையாளம் காண முடியவில்லை, ஆனால் அது ஒரு தெளிவற்ற பரிச்சய உணர்வைத் தூண்டியது. அந்த இளைஞன் தொடர்ந்தான், "பன்னிரண்டு வருடங்களுக்கு முன்பு, நான் கல்லூரியில் படித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தபோது, உங்கள் வீட்டிற்கு செய்தித்தாள்களைக் கொடுத்தேன். நீங்கள் எப்போதும் என்னுடன் அரட்டையடிக்க நேரம் ஒதுக்கினீர்கள், என் சுமாரான வசதி இருந்தபோதிலும் என்னை ஊக்குவித்தீர்கள். என் முயற்சியை நீங்கள் பாராட்டியதும், புலனாய்வுக் கதைகள் மீதான உங்கள் அன்பைக் குறிப்பிட்டதும் எனக்கு நினைவிருக்கிறது. அடையாளம் தெரிந்ததும் ஆத்மராவின் கண்கள் விரிந்தன. "நீங்க ராம் இல்லையா?" என்றான் வியப்புடன். "ஆமாம், அது சரிதான்,"ராம் புன்னகை விரிந்தான். "உங்கள் ஊக்கம் புலனாய்வுக் கதைகளுக்கான எனது ஆர்வத்தைத் தொடர என்னைத் தூண்டியது. நான் எழுதத் தொடங்கினேன், இப்போது பத்து புத்தகங்களை வெளியிட்டுள்ளேன். இங்குள்ள கடை உரிமையாளர் எனது விநியோகஸ்தர். நான் உங்களை மீண்டும் சந்திப்பேன் என்று நம்புகிறேன், உங்கள் ஆதரவுக்கு நன்றி. அப்போது, கடை உரிமையாளர் ஒரு சிறப்பு அட்டையில் சுற்றப்பட்ட ஒரு புத்தகத்துடன் வந்தார். "ஆத்மராவ், இது உங்களுக்குத்தான்" என்று அதை அவரிடம் நீட்டினார். ஆத்மராவ் புத்தகத்தை கவனமாகப் பிரித்துப் பார்த்தார். அதில் தனது பெயரும் பொறிக்கப்பட்டிருந்த தலைப்பைக் கண்டு வியந்தார். புத்தகத்தைப் புரட்டியதும் avarathu வியப்பு அதிகரித்தது. முன்னுரையில் எழுத்தாளராக "ராம்" என்ற பெயர் இருந்தது, ஆனால் சுவாரஸ்யமாக, அவரது புனைப்பெயர் "ஆத்மா. கண்களில் கண்ணீர் பெருக, ஆத்மராவ் மனம் நெகிழ்ந்து ராமைப் பார்த்தார். "நீ உண்மையிலேயே அபாரமானவன் ராம்" என்று அவனை அன்புடன் அணைத்துக் கொண்டான். "இன்று முதல் நான் உங்கள் வாசகன்." இருவரும் மகிழ்ச்சியையும் சாதனையையும் பகிர்ந்துகொண்ட ஒரு கணத்தில் மூழ்கி, இதயங்களில் நன்றியுணர்வும் பெருமிதமும் நிரம்பி வழிந்தன. கே.ராகவன்

Small Story 21. Investigation Bonding.

Small story 21.Investigation Bonding. After his retirement, AthmaRao set out on a special mission: to find a book by his favorite author. A lifelong fan of investigation stories, he was eager to discover a new addition to his collection. The quaint bookshop he visited was a familiar haven, its shelves lined with titles that promised adventure and intrigue. As he wandered through the aisles, an enthusiastic voice greeted him. "Sir, do you remember me?" the young man behind the cash counter asked with a warm smile. AthmaRao looked at him, puzzled. He couldn't quite place the face, though it stirred a vague sense of familiarity. The young man continued, "Twelve years ago, when I was studying in college, I delivered newspapers to your house. You always took the time to chat with me and encouraged me, despite my modest means. I remember you appreciated my efforts and mentioned your love for investigation stories." AthmaRao’s eyes widened as recognition dawned. "You’re Ram, aren’t you?" he asked, astonished. "Yes, that’s right," Ram replied, his smile widening. "Your encouragement inspired me to pursue my passion for investigation stories. I started writing, and now I've published ten books. The shop owner here is my distributor. I've been hoping to meet you again and thank you for your support." Just then, the shop owner appeared with a book wrapped in a special cover. "AthmaRao, this is for you," he said, presenting it to him. AthmaRao carefully unwrapped the book and was struck by the sight of the title, which had his own name inscribed on it. As he flipped open the book, his astonishment grew. The preface bore the name "Ram" as the author, but intriguingly, his pen name was "Athma. With tears welling up in his eyes, AthmaRao looked at Ram, deeply moved. "You’re truly remarkable, Ram," he said, embracing him warmly. "From today, I am your reader." The two stood there, enveloped in a moment of shared joy and achievement, their hearts brimming with gratitude and pride. K.Ragavan

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Small Story 20. Train Friend ship.

Small Story 20.Train Friendship Shekhar was feeling the weight of anticipation as the train passed through the familiar stations. His gaze frequently darted towards the window, waiting for Kodambakkam station to appear. For the past week, he had been enchanted by the sight of a smart, elegant girl boarding at that very stop. He couldn’t deny his growing interest in her, wondering about her life and how it intersected with his own. Today, as the train pulled into Kodambakkam station, Shekhar’s heart sank when he didn’t see her. Disappointment washed over him as the train continued its journey. The chatter among his fellow passengers in the first-class compartment revolved around the latest news: the disturbing murder of a doctor. Shekhar barely registered the conversation, his mind fixated on the absence of the girl who had become the highlight of his morning commute. By the time the train reached Egmore, Shekhar had already resolved to put his disappointment behind him. He got down and quickly grabbed an auto-rickshaw to Poonamallee High Road, where he had an appointment with a leading ENT specialist. The ride was swift, fueled by Shekhar’s urgency. At the clinic, the nurse asked him to wait as the doctor was still with a patient. Ten minutes later, a woman in her mid-forties exited the consulting room. She looked slightly distressed but managed a polite smile as she left. Shekhar stepped in, attended to his official routine about his products, and when he emerged, his mood had noticeably brightened. As he was about to leave, he saw her—Nandhini, the girl from the train—entering the clinic. She was holding a prescription slip and talking to the nurse. Shekhar's heart skipped a beat. He gathered the courage to approach her. “Excuse me,” he said, catching her attention. “I couldn’t help but notice you’re looking for something. Is that a prescription?” Nandhini turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Oh, you’re in the pharmaceutical field, aren’t you?” she asked with a warm smile. She was surprised but pleased to meet someone from the industry. “Yes, I work for a multinational company,” Shekhar replied, his heart racing with excitement. When Nandhini showed him the prescription for Mother's Shekhar’s face lit up even more. The ear drops prescribed were from his company, and he knew exactly where to find them. “This product is in short supply, but I have good news. We received a fresh stock just yesterday. I can deliver it to you this evening, if you’d like,” Shekhar offered. Nandhini was grateful and impressed by Shekhar’s professionalism and kindness. She gave him her address and her name. When Shekhar heard her name, he couldn’t help but smile and softly repeat it to himself. “Nandhini,” he murmured, feeling a deeper connection. That evening, Shekhar made his way to Nandhini’s home with the eye drops. Their interaction was warm and pleasant, setting the stage for a budding friendship. As the days went by, their meetings on the train turned into friendly conversations. Their bond grew stronger, reminiscent of a Bollywood romance. Both their parents noticed the budding relationship and were supportive. However, they set a condition: Nandhini needed to complete her journalism course, which would take another three years. Shekhar, thrilled by the prospect of their future together, eagerly agreed to the terms. The waiting period seemed like a small price to pay for a future with someone who had captured his heart. Their story unfolded with a blend of anticipation and joy, much like a cherished movie plot. Shekhar and Nandhini, with their dreams intertwined, looked forward to the day when their journey would truly begin. K.Ragavan.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024




Story Poongulam.

பூங்குளம் இயற்கை தாயின் எழில் கோலம் பூண்டு விளங்கும் ,ஒரு அழகான ,அமைதியான ,முன் உதாரத்துடன் விளங்கும் இடம்.கிராமமும் ,நகரமும் இல்லாமல் தனி தன்மை வாய்ந்த இடம்.எல்லா வசதிகளும் ,பொருந்திய இடம்.இந்த அழகிய இடத்தை மூன்று புள்ளிகளின் ,சொல்லிற்கு கட்டுப்பட்டு இயங்கிக்கொண்டு இருப்பது பலருக்கு ஆச்சரியம்.மூன்று புள்ளிகள்,சிவா ,விஷ்ணு,,பிரம்மா என அழைக்கப்படும்,ஓய்வு பெற்ற ஹெட்மாஸ்டர்,தங்கவேலு,போஸ்ட் மாஸ்டர் சுந்தரேசன்,ஸ்டேஷன் மாஸ்டர் ராமஸ்வாமி .தங்கவேலு விற்கு ஒரு அழகிய பெண் ,சுந்தரேசனுக்கு ,ஒரு பையன் ,ராமஸ்வாமி க்கு குழந்தைகள் இல்லை.அவருக்கும் ,அவரது மனைவி பத்மாவிற்கும் இந்த இரண்டு பேர்கள் மீது ஆசையும் பாசமும்.மூன்று பேரும் நல்ல ,நண்பர்களாக,ஊரை ,மேன்படுத்த மிகுந்த ஆசையுள்ளவர்கள்.கல்வி தான் அவர்களின் குறிக்கோள்.ஒவ்வொரு சிறுவர்களும் ,நன்றாக படிக்க வேண்டும்,ஹை ஸ்கூல் ,காலேஜ் ,போன்ற வசதிகள் உள்ள இடம்.சிறுவர்கள் ,தங்கள் ஊரில் தான் கற்க வேண்டும் என்ற அடிப்படையில் காலேஜ் உருவாக்கியவர்கள்..அன்று வழக்கம் போல் தங்கவேலுவின் மகள் போஸ்ட் ஆஃபீஸிற்கு வந்து சுந்தரேசனிடம் , மாமா ,சௌக்கியமா,மாமி எப்படியிருக்கிறார்கள் , ,கண்களால் யாரையோ ,நோட்டம் vittaal.அது வேறு யாரும் இல்லை .சுந்தரேசன் மகன் ராமன் தான்.இருவரும் சிறுவயதில் இருந்து ,ஒருவருக்கு ஒருவர் ஆசையுடனும் ,நட்புடனும் பழகி அது இன்றும் தொடர்கிறது.உள்ளேயிருந்து அவர் மனைவி ,கௌரி ,சீதா வாம்மா ,என்ன சாப்பிடுகிற ,இன்னிக்கு கேசரி பண்ணேன் ,கொஞ்சம் சாப்பிடு ,உள்ளே வா.சீதாவிற்கு ,எதுவும் காதில் ஏறவில்லை.அவள் கண்கள் ,இமைத்துடிப்புடன் ராமனை வலை போட்டு தேடியபடி இருந்தால்.தட்டில் கேசரி வந்தவுடன் தான் ,அவளுக்கு நினைவு வந்தது.கேசரியின் மணம் ,சீதாவின் மூக்கை துளைத்தது.ராமன்,ஒரு கம்பெனியில் தேர்வு செய்து ,அமெரிக்கா வர இன்று உத்திரவு வந்ததினால் ,கேசரி பண்ணேன்.ராமன் சீதா ராமா ஆஞ்சநேயர் கோவிலுக்கு இப்போதான் போனான்..சீதாவுக்கு ஏமாற்றமாக இருந்தாலும் ,அவன் அமெரிக்கா வேலை மனதை நெருடியது.என் கேசரி பிடிக்கலயா ,என்று ராமனின் தாய் நினைவு படுத்தினவுடன் இந்த உலகத்துக்கு வந்தாள் சீதா.எடுத்துகிறேன் மாமி ,என்று டேஸ்ட் பண்ணினாள்.மாமி kai மனம் கேட்கவேண்டுமா என்ன,மேலும் ஒரு கரண்டிsapitaal சீதா.சரி ,மாமி நான் போயிடு வருகிறேன்.இரு குங்குமம் வாங்கிண்டு போ.குங்க ம் அவள் நெற்றிக்கு மேலும் அழகு சேர்த்து.நீண்ட கூந்தல் ,தலையில் மல்லிகை பூ ,என்று அழகாக இருந்தாள் சீதா.கருப்பு புடவையும் ,அழகுக்கு அழகு சேர்த்து ப்ரகாசித்தாள் .வழியில் ராமனை பார்த்தாள் .விழிகள் படபடக்க ,அவனை பார்த்தாள் .ராமனும் நல்ல பெர்சோனால்ட்டி,உயரம்.எங்கேய அம்மா இவ்வோளவு தூரம் ,நக்கலாக கேட்டான்.மாமா ,மாமியை பார்க்க வந்தேன்.அப்படியா, ஒன்னும் தெரியாத மாதிரி கேட்கிறேயே ராமா ,என்று ஆசையாக kettal சீதா.இருவரும் பத்து நிமிடம் பேசிவிட்டு பிரிந்தனர்.சீதா வீட்டில் நுழையும் போதே ,அம்மா,உனக்கு நூறு ஆயுசு.இப்போதான் நானும் அப்பாவும் ,உன் கல்யாண விஷயமா பேசிண்டு இருந்தோம் .ஒரு பிள்ளை வரன் வந்திருக்கிறது ,ஜாதகமும் பொருந்தியிருக்கிறது ,அடுத்த வாரம் உன்னை பார்க்க வருகிறார்கள்.சீதாவிற்கு ,அதிர்ச்சியாகஇருந்தது.இப்போ ன்ன அவசரம்,.அதற்குள் அப்பா தங்கவேலு,பிள்ளை நல்ல இடம்,மேலும் அவர்கள் குடும்பம் நல்ல பெயர் பெற்ற குடும்பம்.பிள்ளை போட்டோ ,நேரிலும் அழகாக இருக்கிறான்.சென்னையில் ,வேலை பார்க்கிறான்.நம் kulam ,திருநெல்வேலி சைவ பிள்ளை என்றார் அப்பா..சீதாவுக்கு தன எண்ணத்தை எப்படி சொல்வது ,என்று பயமாக இருந்தது.சற்று யோசித்து சொல்கிறேன் என்று ,அப்போதைக்கு தட்டி கழித்தாள் மறு நாள் காலை சுந்தரேசன் ,மற்றும் அவர் மனைவி தட்டில் வெத்திலை ,பாக்கு ,பழத்துடன் வந்தார்கள்.உடனேயே,தங்கவேலு,நாம் இருவரும் இருபது வருடமாக ,நல்ல நண்பர்களாக இருக்கிறோம்.ராமனுக்கு அமெரிக்கா வில் வேல கிடைத்து இன்னும் ஒரு மாதத்தில் போக வேண்டும்.அதற்கு முன் ராமனுக்கும் ,சீதாவிற்கு கல்யாணம் பண்ண எங்களுக்கு விருப்பம்.தங்கவேலுவிற்கு ,ஷாக்காக போய்விட்டது.என்ன சொல்றேய் சுந்தரேச,நீ veru ஜாதி நான் வேறு,சுந்தரேசன்,நட்பும் ,பழக்கமும் ,ஜாதி முன்பு கால் தூசி.உன் சம்மதம் முக்கியம்.தங்கவேலு மனைவிக்கு பரம சந்தோசம்.ஆனால் ஒரே மகளை அமெரிக்காவிற்கு அனுப்ப மனமில்லை.சுந்தரேசன்,ராமன் அமெரிக்கா போய் நிறைய சம்பாதித்து வந்து இங்கு ஒரு பெரிய ,கம்பெனி உருவாக்கி ,இளைஞர்களுக்கு ,வேலை கொடுக்க வேண்டும் என்ற லக்ஷியம்.seven ஆண்டுகளில் திரும்பி வந்து விடுவான்.பூங்குளம் விரிவாக வேண்டும்.எல்லா கிராமங்களுக்கும் ,உதாரணமாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.இந்த எண்ணம் நம் மூன்று பேர்கள் மூலமாக ,அவன் மனசிலே ஆழமாக படிந்து விட்டது.இன்று தான் சொன்னான் .நீ என்ன சொல்லறெய.தங்கவேலுக்கு ,ஆனந்தம் தாங்கவில்லை.பூங்குளம் ப்ரசித்தியடையவேண்டும் என்ற ஒரே குறி ,இந்த சம்மந்தித்தின் மூலம் naada போகிறது ,ஏழு வருடத்துக்கு பிறகு.உடனே தட்டை மாற்றி கொண்டு ,நண்பனை இறுகி தழுவிக்கொண்டார்.பிறகு என்ன,பத்து நாளில் ,சீதா ராமா கல்யாணம் ஜாம் ,ஜாம் என்று மிக சிறப்பாக பூங்குளம் வாசிகள் முன்பாக அதி விமரிசையாக நடந்தது.எப்போ ,இந்த கல்யாணம் சிறப்பாக நடந்ததோ ,அதே போல் ஏழு வருடத்துக்கு பிறகு ,பூங்குளம் உலக அளவில் மிக பெரிய சாதனை ,செய்யப்போகிறது என்று நான் சொல்ல வேண்டுமா? கே.ராகவன் பெங்களூரு

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Small Story 19. Great Better Half.

Raj had always struggled with waking up early, a challenge that had become even more pressing with his new job requiring him to be at the office by 8:30 a.m. His commute from Tambaram meant he had to rely on the train, so getting up at 5:30 a.m. was crucial. On his first day at the new job, Sunita, his wife, was both thrilled about the better package and concerned about Raj's notorious struggle with mornings. Despite her best intentions, the alarm clock rang, and Raj, as usual, hit the snooze button. Fifteen minutes later, he was still asleep, and Sunita, worried about the implications for his first day, gently woke him up. Raj was startled when he checked the time and realized he was already behind schedule. Even if he rushed, taking an Ola or Uber might not guarantee he would arrive on time due to the heavy traffic and numerous signals. He muttered to himself about his habitual lateness as he hurried through his morning routine. The traffic was worse than anticipated, and Raj arrived at the office an hour late. To his dismay, the officials at the new company refused to let him in, citing the need for punctuality. Despite his explanations about the traffic, they told him that if he couldn’t manage his time on his first day, they couldn’t trust him with their work. Feeling disheartened, Raj returned home. Sunita greeted him with a mixture of sympathy and understanding. She revealed that she had anticipated this situation and had kept his resignation notice as an emergency leave request, hoping to provide some buffer. Raj looked at Sunita with deep gratitude and emotion. Her foresight and support meant more than he could express. "At least," he said, "I’m lucky to have you as my better half." Sunita smiled, knowing that while today had been a tough lesson, it was one they could work through together. Raj resolved to tackle his morning habit and improve his punctuality, motivated by the support and understanding of his loving wife K.Ragavan

Monday, September 9, 2024

Tribute to Monogram TVS and It's architect TV.Sundaram Iyengar 834.

Tribute to Monogram TVS and it’s architect TV.Sundaram Iyengar TV Sundaram Iyengar early life in Tirunelveli district, his family, and his initial experiences that shaped his entrepreneurial spirit. his start in the automobile spare parts business. the challenges he faced and how he overcame them with determination and innovation for building the TVS Brand The core principles that drove the company’s success—dedication, quality, and commitment to customers Expansion and Innovation: the milestones in the company’s growth within India, such as key partnerships, product innovations, or expansions. into overseas markets and collaborations with international brands. Emphasize how these moves expanded the company’s reach and influence globally TV Sundaram Iyengar work on the Indian automobile industry, including contributions to infrastructure, technology, and economic growth. how TVS Motors has continued to evolve and maintain its legacy in the modern era, honoring the principles established by its founder TV Sundaram Iyengar leadership style and his personal commitment to excellence. Reflect on the values he instilled in the company and how they continue to inspire future generations of entrepreneurs and business leaders. TV Sundaram Iyengar remarkable journey and his lasting legacy. Reflect on how his vision and principles have shaped the TVS Group into a globally recognized brand and a symbol of innovation and integrity in the automobile industry with his generation of children.Today i am very happy to tribute this Legend in my Blogs even though thousands of people tributed K.Ragavan 9-9-24 Until We Meet Again Next Week

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Small story18 God's will

Smaĺl story 18God's will. Gomathi had been anxiously awaiting the postman, hoping her grandson would send the money order as usual. Since her husband and daughter had died in an accident, her grandson, Sanjay, who served in the army, had been sending her money every month. However, this month, the money had not arrived yet, and she grew increasingly worried. Her neighbour, Ramu, noticed her waiting and asked about the reason. She explained her concern, but Ramu remained silent, unsure of how to break the sad news. A few days earlier, Ramu had received a message from a friend in the army: Sanjay had died in a terrorist encounter, and his friend, in a position of authority, had sent a cheque along with the message for Ramu to deliver. Ramu decided to deposit the cheque into Gomathi’s account and wait until it cleared before informing her, hoping to spare her the added shock. When Ramu’s mobile rang with the news that the cheque had cleared, he slowly told Gomathi about Sanjay’s death. Overwhelmed with grief, she fainted but soon recovered and cried out in despair, questioning why God was testing her. Ramu comforted her and promised to support her. He took her to the bank, where he arranged for the money to be put into a fixed deposit under her name, ensuring that the interest would provide for her needs. He made it clear that he was doing this purely out of kindness, not for any gain. Gomathi, touched by Ramu’s selflessness, whispered that she saw him as a good person, likening him to a guardian angel who had come to her aid in place of her lost family. Her tears of sorrow turned into tears of gratitude as she realised how fortunate she was to have such a compassionate person in her life. K.Ragavan

Friday, September 6, 2024

Smallstory 17.Sweet Memory.

Small story 7.Sweet Memory. Nithya had just settled into her evening routine when the doorbell rang. The persistent chime echoed through the house, pulling her away from her tasks. She hurried to the door, puzzled by the unexpected interruption. To her surprise, there was no one in sight. However, on the doorstep lay a large gift bag. Curiosity piqued, Nithya picked up the bag and noticed a card attached. She read the sender's name, but it didn’t immediately ring a bell. Inside, she found an assortment of beautifully decorated sweets, meticulously arranged as if prepared with great care for Ganesh Chaturthi. The vibrant colors and festive designs were enchanting. As she examined the sweets, a memory began to stir. Several months ago, while walking in the park, someone had approached her with a lost wallet. “Excuse me, this wallet is yours?” the person had asked. Nithya had shaken her head, but the person had insisted, explaining they were heading back to their native place and needed help. “I’m leaving today,” they said. “Can you do me a favor? the address is inside the wallet.” Nithya agreed, and soon after, she called the number and met Deepa, the wallet’s owner. Deepa, who worked in a key position at an IT company, was grateful and warmly thanked Nithya for returning the wallet. “I’ll remember this day,” she had said, her smile genuine. Now, as Nithya looked at the gift bag and the handwritten note that matched the writing in the wallet, everything clicked into place. Deepa had not only remembered her act of kindness but had gone out of her way to thank her with a thoughtful gift for the festival. Nithya felt a warm glow of appreciation. It was a sweet memory, made even sweeter by the festive treats, and a reminder of the unexpected joys that kindness can bring. K.Ragavan

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Good one.

*This Poem is Written So Beautifully.* How Can You *" SM_LE "* Without *" I "* ? How Can You Be *" F_NE "* Without *" I "* ? How Can You *" W_SH "* Without *" I "* ? How Can You Be *"N_CE "* Without *" I "* ? How Can You Be a *" FAM_LY " Or *" RELAT_VE "* Without *" I "* ? How Can You Be a *" FR_END "* Without *" I "* ? So *" I "* Am Very Important ! But How Can I Achieve *" S_CCESS "* Without *" U "* ? How Can I *" LA_GH "* Without *" U "*? How Can I Take A *" C_P "* of Tea Without *" U "* ? How Can I Enjoy The *" S_NSHINE "* Without " U " ? How Can I Have *" F_N "* Without *" U "* ? And That Makes *" U "* Also Important As *" I "* Therefore humans *( U & I )* = *WE* need one another in life to be happy, work together and achieve greater things.... 🙂

Small Story 16.Great Gesture

Small Story 16.Great Gesture Lavanya had just settled into her departure gate at the airport, magazine in hand, when the announcement came over the loudspeaker: the flight was delayed by half an hour due to a technical fault. She sighed and opened her handbag, preparing to pass the time with her reading. Just as she was about to immerse herself in the magazine, she heard someone calling her name. Looking up, she saw Shobana, an old classmate she hadn’t seen in years, standing before her with a warm smile. “Hey, how are you?” Lavanya asked, genuinely surprised. Shobana’s eyes sparkled with recognition. “I’m doing well, Lavanya! It’s been ages. Last time we met was at that wedding in Bangalore, remember? What brings you to Boston?” Lavanya nodded. “Yes, I remember! I’m here visiting a friend who’s in the hospital. She was in an accident.” Shobana’s expression turned serious. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Lavanya, My friend Vasanthi, who I met at a wedding five years ago, had a similar situation. She was an amazing person. while crossing the road, a car almost hit me, but Vasanthi saved me. She rushed out and pulled me to safety. It was incredible.” Shobana’s eyes widened. “Is this the same Vasanthi who’s a trucker and a gym expert?” Lavanya nodded. “Yes, exactly! I read about her in the news. When I heard she had an accident while trucking, I felt a deep need to see her. I came here a week ago and spent ten days with her. And now, here we are, meeting again.” Lavanya smiled, touched by the connection. “You must be quite the brave and caring friend to come all this way. Vasanthi saved you, and now it’s wonderful that you’re here to support her.” “It was nothing compared to what she did for me. I’m just glad I could be here for her when she needed it.” As the two friends shared their stories, the flight delay seemed to fade into the background. For Lavanya, it was a poignant reminder of the unexpected ways lives intersect and the profound impact of acts of bravery and friendship. K.Ragavan

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Good one

A share from another group.. ----------- *Today is Madras Day* Some details on Madras (Chennai): *Chennai - MADRAS* Chennai is the only city in India which will have 3 international ports, Chennai port, Ennore port, 3rd one coming up at Kaattupalli. Chennai is the only city where ROYAL ENFIELD Bikes are manufactured, in the World. Chennai has the Longest Beach in india, 12 kms urban beach, 2nd Longest in the World. Chennai is the only city which houses a National Park within city limits. The Guindy National Park. Chennai is the only city which has three rivers flowing through it, Adai aaru (Adayar), Coovum Aaru, Kottralai (Kosasthalai) Aaru. Aaru — river. Chennai's OMR - Old Mahabalipuram Road is the Single Largest IT corridor in India. Chennai is the Single Largest Automobile Manufacturer in Asia. Fondly called the Detroit of Asia. Chennai is the 2nd city in the world to become a Municipal corporation next to London, in the year 1688. Chennai houses the Largest Bus Terminus in Asia at Koyambedu. Chennai is the birth place of Chicken 65, Hotel Buhari. Chennai has the Largest Library in Asia, Aringnar Anna Centenary Library. Chennai's Vandalur Zoo is the Largest Zoo in India. Chennai's Guindy Engineering college, the Oldest in India, 1794. 2 of the Top Ten Engineering Colleges in India located in a single road, IIT Madras, CEG(College of Engineering — Guindy / Guindy Engineering College), at Sardar Patel Road, Chennai. Chennai houses the Oldest Shopping Mall in India, Spencer plaza, 1863. Oldest Human Habitat, in the world found at Athirambakkam, Chennai The Madras High Court is the World's second Largest Court Complex. Chennai is the only Indian city attacked during World War. Chennai, City of Flyovers, Largest number of Flyovers in India. Kathipara Flyover, is the Largest Clover Leaf Fyover in Asia. Chennai is the Indian city with most number of Foreign Visitors Annually. Chennai is the Health Capital of India, with most number of foreign and domestic foot falls. Chennai has the Highest number of GrandMasters in chess. Royapuram railway station, is the Oldest Functioning Railway station in India. Integral Coach Factory(ICF), Chennai is the World's Largest Rail Coach Manufacturer. Madras Medical college, the Oldest Medical College and Oldest Hospital in India, 1664. The first ever flight in Asia flew in and around Chennai, 1910. Oragadam is the Largest Automobile hub in South Asia, with 22 Fortune 500 Companies. Chennai has the Highest number of Cinema Theatres in india. Quite obvious, Tamil Film industry has given 4 Chief Ministers to the State. Chennai has the Oldest race tracks in India, both Horse Race, Motor Race (obviously, being the Auto capital of Asia). Madras School of Art is the Oldest Fine Arts Institute in India(1850). Higginbothams, Mount Road, Chennai is the Oldest Book Store in India (1844). EID Parry, Chennai is the Oldest company in India (1780). MRF, Chennai is the largest Tyre Manufacturer in India. Madras Regiment is the Oldest Infantry Regiment of Indian Army(1750). AVM Studio is the oldest surviving Film Production house in India. St. George's Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School is the oldest School in India (1715). ❤️ CHENNAI 🌹

Monday, September 2, 2024

Small Story 15 Unique Friend.

Small Story 15. Unique Friend Kesav walked into his home from the office, expecting his usual warm welcome from his favorite pet dog, Tomy. But today, there was no wagging tail to greet him. Concerned, he called out to his wife, Shreya. “Shreya, what’s wrong with Tomy?” he asked. “I don’t know,” Shreya replied. “He was playing here a moment ago.” Just then, Tomy emerged from Kesav’s bedroom. Kesav’s face brightened as he bent down to hug Tomy affectionately. Tomy smiled up at him, his tail wagging with renewed enthusiasm. Tomy had been a part of Kesav and Shreya’s lives for the past three years. He was a small, cute dog, a gift from Kesav’s close friend Ganesh. Ganesh had recommended Tomy during Kesav’s business trip to Scotland, describing him as a long-lived companion who would stay small and childlike, never growing tall. Kesav had been so impressed by Ganesh’s description that he brought Tomy back to India. Tomy was like a child to Kesav and Shreya. They had grown very attached to him, and he understood their every word. Kesav would get upset if Tomy wasn’t around to greet him. The family was very happy together, and Tomy was always included in their outings. However, some neighbors criticized Kesav for his choice of pet and his behavior. One day, Kesav’s friend, who was about to leave for the UK, visited with his family. After spending time with Kesav and Shreya, he was about to head out when he realized he had left his wallet containing his passport at their home. Kesav went to the compound gate to see his friend off. Just then, Tomy, with surprising agility, appeared with the wallet in his mouth. He ran up to the friend and handed over the wallet. Kesav’s friend was astonished and immediately hugged Tomy, praising him for his intelligence. Witnessing this act of loyalty and cleverness, the neighbors who had previously criticized Tomy felt a pang of guilt. They realized they had misjudged Kesav’s beloved pet and began to appreciate Tomy’s unique qualities. K.Ragavan

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Tribute 833.

Tribute to Versatile Actor Delhi Ganesh 833. Today, I’m excited to highlight the remarkable career of one of Tamil cinema’s most versatile actors—Delhi Ganesh. Known for his impressive range and ability to bring characters to life, Delhi Ganesh has been a significant presence in the Tamil Film Industry for decades. Starting his career in stage acting, Delhi Ganesh made a smooth transition to films, where he has carved out an illustrious career spanning over 400 films. His performances are marked by their depth, versatility, and the unique touch he brings to every role. Some of his most memorable following films i like Aahaa - A film that showcased his ability to blend seamlessly into diverse characters. Michael Madana Kama Rajan - A classic comedy where his performance added layers of charm and humor. Avvai Shanmugi - Here, Delhi Ganesh's nuanced acting brought an extra dimension to the film’s storyline. Sindhu Bhairavi - A musical drama where his role was pivotal to the film's success. Thenali - A comedy where his impeccable timing and performance stood out. Delhi Ganesh's contributions to Tamil cinema are immense, and his ability to effortlessly transition between comedic, dramatic, and character roles makes him a cherished actor in the industry. His dedication and talent continue to inspire both fans and aspiring actors alike.Incidentally he hails from Tirunelveli where many talented writers was born and created a big impact in the Tamil literary world also celebrated on 1September as Tirunelveliday was appreciable.Today i am happy to pay tribute to this talented actor wishing him and his family members a very happy and healthy days ahead. K.Ragavan 2-9-24 Until We Meet Again Next Week,

Two decades of Glorious Memory.

Although I began my passion for writing at the age of 19, I’ve been actively involved in it since December 2004. Over nearly two decades, I’ve had the pleasure of making good friends who are primarily connected to journalism, media, and esteemed magazines. It's been an amazing journey through these two decades. I still remember the first letter I wrote to Gulf News regarding Dr. Krishnamurthy Kannan’s article in Friday Magazine, which was a comment on journalist Neelima Pathak's work. These glorious two decades remain vivid in my memory.K. Ragavan

Small Story 14 . Friend's Magnanimity.

Ram arrived at the location provided by Chander. As he walked into the reception area, he was greeted by a smiling lady. “How can I help you?” she asked warmly. Her enchanting smile captivated Ram. “I’m looking for my friend Ravi, who works here,” he said. “Which Ravi are you referring to? The one in Marketing or the one in Accounts?” the receptionist inquired. “No, I mean Ravi from Marketing,” Ram replied. “I’m sorry, but there’s only one Ravi working in Marketing, and he’s not here right now,” the receptionist said firmly. Ram's face fell. For two years, he had been searching for his friend who had left abruptly for Dubai in search of a better career. Recently, he had received a message saying that Ravi had returned and was working at this company. The receptionist’s response made him feel more disheartened. Ram had also been tasked with returning a large sum of money—one lakh rupees—that Ravi had borrowed from another friend for his sister’s marriage. Ravi's friend had given the money to Ram for safekeeping, as he was away on an assignment in Australia. Despite his own disappointment, Ram wanted to ensure the money was returned to Ravi. He returned home, contemplating how to handle the situation. He reflected on Ravi’s honesty and their friendship. Ravi had never wanted the money back, as he had lost his sister and had treated her memory with profound respect. Ram decided that the true essence of Ravi’s generosity and affection should remain intact and not be revealed to others. Thus, he chose to keep Ravi’s magnanimity and warmth close to his heart, honoring his decision in silence. K.Ragavan