Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Small Story 27.Bonding Tradition.

Small Story 27.Bonding Tradition. In a bustling Dubai airport, Athmanath stepped off the Emirates flight, a mix of excitement and nostalgia washing over him. After decades apart, he was finally reunited with his childhood friend, Ramnath. The vibrant city, a world away from their school days, welcomed him with open arms. Ramnanth met him at the arrivals gate, and their reunion was heartfelt—a warm hug that seemed to bridge the years. Climbing into Ramnath’s sleek Audi, they zoomed through the city, with skyscrapers glinting in the golden sun. Ramnath’s home, a modern palace ten kilometers from the airport, was an impressive sight, showcasing a blend of luxury and warmth. Inside, Ramnath’s wife and their daughter, Nivedha, greeted them. Nivedha was a radiant young woman, exuding grace and charm. She offered a respectful namaskaram, instantly making Athmanath feel at home. The afternoon was filled with laughter and stories, old memories flowing freely as they enjoyed a sumptuous meal prepared by Ramnath’s wife. Later, Nivedha and Narender, Ramnath’s son, joined them. Narender, handsome and accomplished, had recently graduated from Harvard and was now thriving at Google. The families shared anecdotes about their journeys, finding joy in their respective successes while reminiscing about simpler times. As evening approached, the ambiance shifted. Nivedha began chanting the Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, her voice soothing and melodic. Narender joined in, filling the room with a sense of peace and tradition. Athmanath and his wife felt a deep connection, as if the threads of their Indian heritage had woven them all together. After a few memorable days filled with laughter, warmth, and the rekindling of friendship, it was time for Athmanath and his family to depart for the US. At the airport, the farewell was bittersweet. They embraced tightly, promising to keep their cultural roots alive, no matter where life took them. As they watched Athmanath’s family disappear through security, Ramnath felt grateful. Despite the distance and different paths they had taken, their friendship remained strong—a testament to their enduring Indian traditions and the bonds that time could never break. K.Ragavan.

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