Friday, September 6, 2024

Smallstory 17.Sweet Memory.

Small story 7.Sweet Memory. Nithya had just settled into her evening routine when the doorbell rang. The persistent chime echoed through the house, pulling her away from her tasks. She hurried to the door, puzzled by the unexpected interruption. To her surprise, there was no one in sight. However, on the doorstep lay a large gift bag. Curiosity piqued, Nithya picked up the bag and noticed a card attached. She read the sender's name, but it didn’t immediately ring a bell. Inside, she found an assortment of beautifully decorated sweets, meticulously arranged as if prepared with great care for Ganesh Chaturthi. The vibrant colors and festive designs were enchanting. As she examined the sweets, a memory began to stir. Several months ago, while walking in the park, someone had approached her with a lost wallet. “Excuse me, this wallet is yours?” the person had asked. Nithya had shaken her head, but the person had insisted, explaining they were heading back to their native place and needed help. “I’m leaving today,” they said. “Can you do me a favor? the address is inside the wallet.” Nithya agreed, and soon after, she called the number and met Deepa, the wallet’s owner. Deepa, who worked in a key position at an IT company, was grateful and warmly thanked Nithya for returning the wallet. “I’ll remember this day,” she had said, her smile genuine. Now, as Nithya looked at the gift bag and the handwritten note that matched the writing in the wallet, everything clicked into place. Deepa had not only remembered her act of kindness but had gone out of her way to thank her with a thoughtful gift for the festival. Nithya felt a warm glow of appreciation. It was a sweet memory, made even sweeter by the festive treats, and a reminder of the unexpected joys that kindness can bring. K.Ragavan

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