Thursday, September 19, 2024


Letter Published in The National UAE on20 Sep 24 Modi's next 100 days With reference to Chitrabhanu Kadalayil's op-ed India's political playing field is more even than it has been for years (September 17): This piece was thought-provoking. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, having served a decade-long tenure, now faces the challenge of navigating his third term with a coalition government. He must play his cards judiciously to ensure overall development for India and fulfil the trust placed in him by the electorate. The task ahead is complex, given the country's multi-party system and the self-interes of opposition parties. As the writer aptly noted, the "100 days card" is critical, and Modi will need to deliver effectively in the time that remains. Whether he will succeed in his mission, time will tell. K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

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