Sunday, September 1, 2024

Small Story 14 . Friend's Magnanimity.

Ram arrived at the location provided by Chander. As he walked into the reception area, he was greeted by a smiling lady. “How can I help you?” she asked warmly. Her enchanting smile captivated Ram. “I’m looking for my friend Ravi, who works here,” he said. “Which Ravi are you referring to? The one in Marketing or the one in Accounts?” the receptionist inquired. “No, I mean Ravi from Marketing,” Ram replied. “I’m sorry, but there’s only one Ravi working in Marketing, and he’s not here right now,” the receptionist said firmly. Ram's face fell. For two years, he had been searching for his friend who had left abruptly for Dubai in search of a better career. Recently, he had received a message saying that Ravi had returned and was working at this company. The receptionist’s response made him feel more disheartened. Ram had also been tasked with returning a large sum of money—one lakh rupees—that Ravi had borrowed from another friend for his sister’s marriage. Ravi's friend had given the money to Ram for safekeeping, as he was away on an assignment in Australia. Despite his own disappointment, Ram wanted to ensure the money was returned to Ravi. He returned home, contemplating how to handle the situation. He reflected on Ravi’s honesty and their friendship. Ravi had never wanted the money back, as he had lost his sister and had treated her memory with profound respect. Ram decided that the true essence of Ravi’s generosity and affection should remain intact and not be revealed to others. Thus, he chose to keep Ravi’s magnanimity and warmth close to his heart, honoring his decision in silence. K.Ragavan

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