Friday, September 20, 2024

Small story 24 Noble soul

Small Story 24Nob soul Janaki was exhausted after a long day at the hospital. As a leading eye surgeon, she dedicated herself to helping those in need—especially seniors and dedicated professionals like journalists and teachers. Just then, her phone rang; it was her friend Lakshmi. "Hey, Janaki! How are you?" Lakshmi asked. "Hi, Lakshmi. I’m fine. What’s up?" Janaki replied, curious. "I have a friend's daughter, Sugandhi, who’s a journalist. She’s having issues with her eyes. She consulted a couple of doctors, but the fees were too high. Since you’re my good friend, I thought of sending you her report. Can you help her?" "Of course, send me the details," Janaki said, her heart warming at the thought of helping. A few minutes later, Janaki received Sugandhi’s medical report and contact information. The next evening, Lakshmi got a message from Sugandhi: "Hi Aunty, thank you for your help! I had surgery today with Dr.Janaki and I'm home now." Lakshmi shared the good news with Janaki, who felt a surge of joy. Lakshmi continued. thanked Janaki for not accepting any payment and her response was, ‘Professionals like me do service.’” Tears welled in Janaki’s eyes. In a world often driven by profit, encountering such selflessness was a rare gift. It reminded her why she loved her job and the importance of helping others. K.Ragavan

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