Monday, September 30, 2024

Small Story 32. Nandhini's Decision.

Small Story 32.Nandhini's Decision . “Please, have a seat,” said a warm, confident voice. Nandhini looked up to see a striking woman with an air of authority. “I’m Vasanthi, the CEO of this group. I’ve reviewed your credentials, and they’re quite impressive.” Nandhini felt a rush of excitement mixed with nerves. “Thank you, ma’am,” she replied, hoping to convey her enthusiasm. “Would you be interested in joining our Singapore office?” Vasanthi asked. Nandhini hesitated. “I appreciate the offer, but I have domestic obligations here in Bengaluru.” Vasanthi raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are those obligations?” Nandhini took a deep breath. “My father is battling cancer, and my mother has severe knee issues. I’m their only daughter and need to be here for them.” Vasanthi nodded, understanding in her eyes. “I assure you, I can guarantee your parents will be well cared for during your time in Singapore. They will be looked after.” For a moment, Nandhini felt torn. The promise was tempting, yet the thought of leaving her parents weighed heavily on her heart. She searched Vasanthi’s face for sincerity and found it. “I’m sorry, but I still can’t—” “Give me one year,” Vasanthi interrupted gently. “I can promise you, your parents will be in good hands. You can return to Bengaluru after that.” Nandhini hesitated but eventually found herself nodding. There was something about Vasanthi’s authenticity that gave her hope. “Okay, I’ll accept the offer.” The following week, Nandhini arrived in Singapore, her mind buzzing with excitement and worry. Would her parents truly be okay? Just then, her phone rang. It was her mother. “Hello, Nandhini! Your dad and I are doing great! You’ll be happy to know Vasanthi has been wonderful. She’s been a blessing to us!” Nandhini’s heart swelled. “Really? How so?” “She’s been taking care of us, making sure we’re comfortable. You remember your brother Aneesh? Well, Vasanthi is his wife. When he went to Australia for studies, he didn’t want to see us anymore, but Vasanthi changed that. She’s the glue that holds us together now.” Tears of relief filled Nandhini’s eyes. “I’m so glad to hear that.” “Trust in Vasanthi, Nandhini. She’s looking out for us, and now you can focus on your career.” As she hung up, Nandhini felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She knew her parents were in good hands, and that made all the difference. With renewed determination, she embraced her new life in Singapore, ready to thrive both personally and professionally. K.Ragavan.

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