Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Small Story 16.Great Gesture

Small Story 16.Great Gesture Lavanya had just settled into her departure gate at the airport, magazine in hand, when the announcement came over the loudspeaker: the flight was delayed by half an hour due to a technical fault. She sighed and opened her handbag, preparing to pass the time with her reading. Just as she was about to immerse herself in the magazine, she heard someone calling her name. Looking up, she saw Shobana, an old classmate she hadn’t seen in years, standing before her with a warm smile. “Hey, how are you?” Lavanya asked, genuinely surprised. Shobana’s eyes sparkled with recognition. “I’m doing well, Lavanya! It’s been ages. Last time we met was at that wedding in Bangalore, remember? What brings you to Boston?” Lavanya nodded. “Yes, I remember! I’m here visiting a friend who’s in the hospital. She was in an accident.” Shobana’s expression turned serious. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Lavanya, My friend Vasanthi, who I met at a wedding five years ago, had a similar situation. She was an amazing person. while crossing the road, a car almost hit me, but Vasanthi saved me. She rushed out and pulled me to safety. It was incredible.” Shobana’s eyes widened. “Is this the same Vasanthi who’s a trucker and a gym expert?” Lavanya nodded. “Yes, exactly! I read about her in the news. When I heard she had an accident while trucking, I felt a deep need to see her. I came here a week ago and spent ten days with her. And now, here we are, meeting again.” Lavanya smiled, touched by the connection. “You must be quite the brave and caring friend to come all this way. Vasanthi saved you, and now it’s wonderful that you’re here to support her.” “It was nothing compared to what she did for me. I’m just glad I could be here for her when she needed it.” As the two friends shared their stories, the flight delay seemed to fade into the background. For Lavanya, it was a poignant reminder of the unexpected ways lives intersect and the profound impact of acts of bravery and friendship. K.Ragavan

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