Monday, September 23, 2024

Small Story 26.Destined couple .

Small Story 26. Destined Couple Ram stepped into the bank, his heart racing with the excitement of a new beginning. As he entered the lift to the third floor, he was surprised to find it empty. He pressed the button, and just as the doors were about to close, a sweet voice broke the silence. “Excuse me, may I come inside?” Ram turned to see a woman with an elegant presence. Her smile was warm, and her sophisticated demeanor immediately caught his attention. “I’m also going to the third floor,” she said as they both stepped in. Once on the third floor, she introduced herself. “I’m Ambujam. I just joined today.” Ram smiled back, introducing himself as well. “Nice to meet you. I’m starting here too.” During lunch, their conversation flowed effortlessly. Ambujam asked, “Where are you staying?” “I just arrived from Madurai and am looking for a room nearby,” Ram replied. After work, as they exited the building, Ambujam asked, “Where are you staying now?” “In a hotel,” Ram admitted. “Why not come to my place?” she offered without hesitation. Ram was taken aback but intrigued. He liked her sincerity. They reached Ambujam's apartment, a lovely, welcoming space. Suddenly, her mother appeared. “You must be Ram! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Ram blinked in surprise. “You know me?” Her mother laughed. “Ambujam’s been talking about you! Your mother and I are old friends. She sent me your picture when she heard you were moving here.” The warmth of the moment made Ram feel at home. Ambujam’s mother, Nandini, was as charming as her daughter. As Ram settled in, he felt an unexpected connection. The environment was friendly, and Ambujam’s kindness began to win him over. Days turned into weeks, and Ram found himself increasingly enchanted by Ambujam. She was not just a colleague but someone who understood him deeply. And unbeknownst to him, Ambujam felt the same way, drawn to his charm and sincerity. With the blessings of their families, they began to weave their lives together. It was the start of something beautiful—a bond that would become a role model for love and partnership. As Ram and Ambujam embraced their new journey, they both knew that life had more in store for them than they could ever imagine. K.Ragavan.

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