Sunday, September 29, 2024

Tribute to a Great Friend Seshadri 837.

Tribute to a Great Friend, Seshadri 837. Today, I want to celebrate an extraordinary person—my good friend Seshadri. Over the past five years, I’ve had the privilege of knowing him, and he has truly made a mark in my life. His unassuming nature and enthusiasm, especially when playing cricket with our apartment friends, always bring joy to our gatherings. One of my fondest memories is our unforgettable trip to Chennai with our families after the post-COVID period. It was a wonderful time filled with laughter and camaraderie, showcasing the strong bond we share. Seshadri is a dedicated professional at Tata’s, working in their Defence division. His impressive work has taken him both domestically and internationally, spreading the company’s philosophy in the defence sector. Recently, he played a pivotal role in establishing a new factory in collaboration with the Moroccan government in just one year—a remarkable achievement that fills us all with pride here at Peninsula Heights in Bengaluru. I’ve had the pleasure of hearing him speak on defence topics and vehicles, and his knowledge is nothing short of inspiring. He is well-liked by everyone and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Today, I am truly happy to pay tribute to my unassuming, smiling friend, Seshadri. I wish him, his family, and his daughter Avery a future filled with health, happiness, and peace. K.Ragavan 30-9-24 Until We Meet Again Next Week,

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