Saturday, September 28, 2024

SmallStory 30 Talent Always respected.

Small Story 30 Talent always respected Chief Editor Ram anxiously awaited Pankajam’s decision about the US assignment. Pankajam, a dedicated and knowledgeable editor with two and a half decades at the magazine, was highly recommended for the role. Ram called the receptionist to connect him to her chamber, but there was no response. Concern grew as the minutes ticked by. Just then, his phone rang. “Hello, sir, it’s Pankajam. I’m taking leave for two days; my mother is having cataract surgery today, and the date was fixed suddenly.” Ram was taken aback. “But Pankajam, I’ve already requested your decision on the US offer. Today is the last day.” “I know, sir, but as her only daughter, I can’t leave India during this time,” she replied, her voice firm. The call ended, leaving Ram worried about her future. Days passed, and during their usual meetings, Ram inquired about her decision again. Pankajam remained resolute. Then, unexpectedly, Ram received a letter from Vasanthy, the CEO in the US. Vasanthy expressed her eagerness to wait for Pankajam's acceptance, recognizing her immense talent. Ram congratulated Pankajam, impressed by the confidence the parent company had in her. After more days of contemplation, Pankajam finally sent a letter of acceptance. To everyone’s surprise, she decided to move to the US alongside her mother. The twist? Pankajam's mother, Ambujam, was the principal of a prestigious journalism school where Vasanthy had been a student. This connection strengthened their bond, and Pankajam felt reassured knowing she would be supported in her new journey. In the end, family ties and professional opportunities intertwined, leading Pankajam to a bright future in a new land. K.Ragavan

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