Sunday, September 8, 2024

Small story18 God's will

Smaĺl story 18God's will. Gomathi had been anxiously awaiting the postman, hoping her grandson would send the money order as usual. Since her husband and daughter had died in an accident, her grandson, Sanjay, who served in the army, had been sending her money every month. However, this month, the money had not arrived yet, and she grew increasingly worried. Her neighbour, Ramu, noticed her waiting and asked about the reason. She explained her concern, but Ramu remained silent, unsure of how to break the sad news. A few days earlier, Ramu had received a message from a friend in the army: Sanjay had died in a terrorist encounter, and his friend, in a position of authority, had sent a cheque along with the message for Ramu to deliver. Ramu decided to deposit the cheque into Gomathi’s account and wait until it cleared before informing her, hoping to spare her the added shock. When Ramu’s mobile rang with the news that the cheque had cleared, he slowly told Gomathi about Sanjay’s death. Overwhelmed with grief, she fainted but soon recovered and cried out in despair, questioning why God was testing her. Ramu comforted her and promised to support her. He took her to the bank, where he arranged for the money to be put into a fixed deposit under her name, ensuring that the interest would provide for her needs. He made it clear that he was doing this purely out of kindness, not for any gain. Gomathi, touched by Ramu’s selflessness, whispered that she saw him as a good person, likening him to a guardian angel who had come to her aid in place of her lost family. Her tears of sorrow turned into tears of gratitude as she realised how fortunate she was to have such a compassionate person in her life. K.Ragavan

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