Monday, September 2, 2024

Small Story 15 Unique Friend.

Small Story 15. Unique Friend Kesav walked into his home from the office, expecting his usual warm welcome from his favorite pet dog, Tomy. But today, there was no wagging tail to greet him. Concerned, he called out to his wife, Shreya. “Shreya, what’s wrong with Tomy?” he asked. “I don’t know,” Shreya replied. “He was playing here a moment ago.” Just then, Tomy emerged from Kesav’s bedroom. Kesav’s face brightened as he bent down to hug Tomy affectionately. Tomy smiled up at him, his tail wagging with renewed enthusiasm. Tomy had been a part of Kesav and Shreya’s lives for the past three years. He was a small, cute dog, a gift from Kesav’s close friend Ganesh. Ganesh had recommended Tomy during Kesav’s business trip to Scotland, describing him as a long-lived companion who would stay small and childlike, never growing tall. Kesav had been so impressed by Ganesh’s description that he brought Tomy back to India. Tomy was like a child to Kesav and Shreya. They had grown very attached to him, and he understood their every word. Kesav would get upset if Tomy wasn’t around to greet him. The family was very happy together, and Tomy was always included in their outings. However, some neighbors criticized Kesav for his choice of pet and his behavior. One day, Kesav’s friend, who was about to leave for the UK, visited with his family. After spending time with Kesav and Shreya, he was about to head out when he realized he had left his wallet containing his passport at their home. Kesav went to the compound gate to see his friend off. Just then, Tomy, with surprising agility, appeared with the wallet in his mouth. He ran up to the friend and handed over the wallet. Kesav’s friend was astonished and immediately hugged Tomy, praising him for his intelligence. Witnessing this act of loyalty and cleverness, the neighbors who had previously criticized Tomy felt a pang of guilt. They realized they had misjudged Kesav’s beloved pet and began to appreciate Tomy’s unique qualities. K.Ragavan

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