Sunday, September 29, 2024

Small Story 31. The intrigue of 001 Academy

Small Story 31 . The Intrigue of OO1 Academy In the heart of Mysore, where tradition danced gracefully with modernity, the OO1 Academy of Investigation stood as a beacon for aspiring detectives. Founded by the astute Chief Investigation Officer Paramanand, the academy had garnered immense respect over the years for its stellar reputation in training young talent in criminal investigation. One fateful morning, Chief Paramanand sat in his office, engaged in a lively discussion with his trusted constables, 666 and 777. Their chatter was abruptly interrupted by the shrill ring of the office phone. “Hello, Chief,” a voice crackled on the line. “This is Malpony. Today, I’m going to rob the United Bank on Nehru Street. Just thought you should know.” With a mocking tone, the call ended. Paramanand’s brow furrowed as he relayed the news to 666 and 777. “We need to be on high alert today. Malpony is up to his usual tricks, but we can’t underestimate him. He enjoys the game of intellect.” Malpony was notorious for his audacious heists, often revealing his plans to taunt the police. He was a master of diversion, and Paramanand relished the challenge. Unlike others, he believed in understanding the motives behind the crimes rather than resorting to brute force. As night fell, the streets of Mysore were cloaked in an eerie calm. At 11:30 PM, 666 and 777, accompanied by three fellow officers, took position inside the National Bank, a strategic move orchestrated by Paramanand, who had predicted Malpony's diversionary tactics. As the clock struck midnight, two shadowy figures entered the bank, tools in hand, ready to crack the safe. Just as they began their work, the officers sprang into action, catching the thieves off guard. In a matter of moments, the criminals were apprehended. Moments later, Chief Paramanand received a call from Malpony. “So, Chief, I hear my plan was foiled. You’re quite the strategist.” “Your games are becoming predictable, Malpony,” Paramanand replied calmly. “You divert attention, but you can’t hide your true intentions forever.” Malpony chuckled, admiration lacing his tone. “Perhaps. But the thrill of the chase is what keeps me going.” As dawn broke, the city awoke to the news of Malpony’s thwarted robbery. The OO1 Academy’s reputation soared even higher, showcasing the power of intelligence over violence. Paramanand smiled, knowing that with every challenge, he was one step closer to understanding the mind of a criminal. The dance between good and evil continued, but this time, it was clear who was leading K.Ragavan

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