Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Small Story 23.Grand Ma's Comfort.

Small Story 23.Grand Ma's Comfort Ambujam sat comfortably in her living room, her phone ringing for the third time. The familiar face of her granddaughter Vasanthy appeared on the screen, her expression a mix of excitement and concern. "Grandma, I need you to come to Boston," she said, her voice slightly shaky. "I’m having open heart surgery next month. I really want you there for support." Ambujam, known for her wisdom and god-fearing nature, felt a rush of love. Her husband, Desikan, walked in, his retired general manager demeanor instantly shifting to concern upon seeing Ambujam’s face. He listened as she repeated Vasanthy's request. "You have to go," Desikan confirmed gently. Ambujam smiled, knowing how much he adored Vasanthy, their only granddaughter. "I’ll book your ticket," he replied, her heart already full of anticipation. The following week was a whirlwind of activity. Ambujam filled her home with the sweet aroma of traditional Indian sweets, preparing treats for her beloved Vasanthy. When the day finally came for her to travel, Ambujam felt both excitement and determination. Upon her arrival in Boston, Vasanthy jumped into her arms, her joy palpable. At 19, she was in her final year of college, and the thought of surgery loomed heavy. Ambujam reassured her with stories of faith and strength, sharing mantras she believed would uplift them both. On the day of the surgery, Ambujam stayed in the hospital, chanting softly in a corner. Miraculously, Vasanthy experienced no pain post-operation, recovering faster than anyone expected. Ambujam’s presence seemed to weave a protective tapestry of love around her. As the days passed, Vasanthy returned to her normal life, vibrant and full of energy. One evening, as they embraced, Vasanthy whispered, "Your prayers helped me heal so quickly, Grandma." Ambujam smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling. "It wasn’t just my prayers, dear. It was your belief in them and your strength that made all the difference." In that moment, the bond between them grew even deeper, a testament to the power of love, faith, and family. Ambujam, the charming lady with a heart full of devotion, knew they could face anything together. K.Ragavan.

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