Friday, September 27, 2024

Small Story 29.Hurried Marriage Secret.

Small Story 29. Hurried Marriage Secret. Seshan stood on the platform of Madurai station, a wave of nostalgia washing over him as he prepared to retire after decades of service. The bustling crowd of travelers and well-wishers reflected the warmth of the city he had grown to love. Madurai, with its rich literary history and vibrant culture, had become home since he moved from Kovil Patti for his job. His heart swelled with pride as he looked at his family—his son Ram and daughter Ambujam, both successful in their careers, surrounded by their friends and well-wishers. Vedantam, his old friend and a recent retiree from TVS, stood by his side, offering encouragement and shared memories. Their children, Ambujam and Madhav, were in love, and Seshan felt a pang of happiness mingled with sadness as he contemplated the changes ahead. As the farewell festivities wrapped up, Seshan surprised everyone by announcing the Nichayathartham (engagement) of Ambujam and Madhav for the following week. Vedantam raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the haste. “Why so soon?” he asked. But Seshan merely smiled, evading the question and insisting on keeping the venue under wraps. The days flew by, and soon the engagement was followed by a beautiful wedding, all arranged in record time. Yet, Vedantam couldn’t shake his curiosity about Seshan’s urgency. It wasn’t until a phone call from Dr. Aravamudan, a renowned urologist, that the pieces fell into place. Seshan had been grappling with health issues, specifically prostate concerns, and the news was more alarming than he had let on. But the doctor’s update was a relief: Seshan was fine. The problem had been caught early, and the fears of cancer were unfounded. Vedantam heart sank with understanding—Seshan had hurried the marriage to secure Ambujam future, just in case. In that moment, Vedantam felt a deep admiration for his friend. Seshan had not only dedicated his life to the station but also to ensuring his family was well taken care of, even amidst his personal struggles. The two friends, now bound by family ties, shared a bond forged in sincerity and trust. As they celebrated the joyful union of Ambujam and Madhav, the quiet strength of Seshan shone through. He had maintained his dignity and shielded his family from worry. The station master’s legacy, much like Madurai itself, would endure, woven into the lives of those he cherished. K.Ragavan.

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