Thursday, September 12, 2024

Small Story 20. Train Friend ship.

Small Story 20.Train Friendship Shekhar was feeling the weight of anticipation as the train passed through the familiar stations. His gaze frequently darted towards the window, waiting for Kodambakkam station to appear. For the past week, he had been enchanted by the sight of a smart, elegant girl boarding at that very stop. He couldn’t deny his growing interest in her, wondering about her life and how it intersected with his own. Today, as the train pulled into Kodambakkam station, Shekhar’s heart sank when he didn’t see her. Disappointment washed over him as the train continued its journey. The chatter among his fellow passengers in the first-class compartment revolved around the latest news: the disturbing murder of a doctor. Shekhar barely registered the conversation, his mind fixated on the absence of the girl who had become the highlight of his morning commute. By the time the train reached Egmore, Shekhar had already resolved to put his disappointment behind him. He got down and quickly grabbed an auto-rickshaw to Poonamallee High Road, where he had an appointment with a leading ENT specialist. The ride was swift, fueled by Shekhar’s urgency. At the clinic, the nurse asked him to wait as the doctor was still with a patient. Ten minutes later, a woman in her mid-forties exited the consulting room. She looked slightly distressed but managed a polite smile as she left. Shekhar stepped in, attended to his official routine about his products, and when he emerged, his mood had noticeably brightened. As he was about to leave, he saw her—Nandhini, the girl from the train—entering the clinic. She was holding a prescription slip and talking to the nurse. Shekhar's heart skipped a beat. He gathered the courage to approach her. “Excuse me,” he said, catching her attention. “I couldn’t help but notice you’re looking for something. Is that a prescription?” Nandhini turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Oh, you’re in the pharmaceutical field, aren’t you?” she asked with a warm smile. She was surprised but pleased to meet someone from the industry. “Yes, I work for a multinational company,” Shekhar replied, his heart racing with excitement. When Nandhini showed him the prescription for Mother's Shekhar’s face lit up even more. The ear drops prescribed were from his company, and he knew exactly where to find them. “This product is in short supply, but I have good news. We received a fresh stock just yesterday. I can deliver it to you this evening, if you’d like,” Shekhar offered. Nandhini was grateful and impressed by Shekhar’s professionalism and kindness. She gave him her address and her name. When Shekhar heard her name, he couldn’t help but smile and softly repeat it to himself. “Nandhini,” he murmured, feeling a deeper connection. That evening, Shekhar made his way to Nandhini’s home with the eye drops. Their interaction was warm and pleasant, setting the stage for a budding friendship. As the days went by, their meetings on the train turned into friendly conversations. Their bond grew stronger, reminiscent of a Bollywood romance. Both their parents noticed the budding relationship and were supportive. However, they set a condition: Nandhini needed to complete her journalism course, which would take another three years. Shekhar, thrilled by the prospect of their future together, eagerly agreed to the terms. The waiting period seemed like a small price to pay for a future with someone who had captured his heart. Their story unfolded with a blend of anticipation and joy, much like a cherished movie plot. Shekhar and Nandhini, with their dreams intertwined, looked forward to the day when their journey would truly begin. K.Ragavan.

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