Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 Letter Published in The National UAE on 14Jan 21 May Joe Biden's inauguration go off smoothly

With reference to Hussein Ibish's op-ed US Capitol fiasco raises serious questions about Trump's collusion (January 10): the attack last week on the US Capitol was shocking. Despite people who say it should have been no surprise and Americans could have seen it coming, nobody could have anticipated this kind of chaos in Washington. The supporters of Donald Trump who stormed the building made a mockery of democracy and that was sad to watch. Let's hope the January 20 inauguration goes off smoothly and the new administration is sworn in without incident. Joe Biden's team has a lot on its plate and must urgently address the multiple crises facing Americans, mainly the pandemic and the economy, but also bringing to book the perpetuators of the Capitol violence. Donald Trump must pave the way for a smooth handover of power.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

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