Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life is Beauti ful. 32.

Inthis materialistic world majority of the people are self oriented is true,but there are few people like our Ram love this life and nature.This character will come only by the child hood nature and habits.Inspite of so many temptations Ram was pushing his days with good association was not a exagerated one.Every year he was awarded as a best
teacher in his colleage.This is mainly due to his involvement in work and good behaviour with his students.On holidays many of his students ,will come and chat with him and discuss,on various issues.Students used to wonder,apart from History how Ram was able to discuss other issues.Ram was well versed with other fields,because of his interaction with various friends and reading.Ram has got the strong belief ,exposure with people only can develope knowledge and maturity.Students of Ram also slowly started in this phylosophy.(tobe continued).
See You Next week,

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