Monday, November 15, 2010

Life is Beautiful.34.

Ram was taken a back of seeing that registered letter,because it was written from a lady by name Suganthi. In that letter She was appreciating Ram's Language,and presentation ,of his letters and articles published on various papers. Further mentioned She was more facinated by the name Bharani.That was the first letter from a lady.Ram was not keen ,about her where abouts,because of his Beautiful Vasanthi.After few days again he received a letter from her,mentioning the same old story.Then letters are started coming often,and Ram wanted to find out why she is writting to him.Is she really interested in his writtingsor wanted to know about him. When he saw the envelope no from address.Then he droped that idea.After finishing his Office hours,he started meeting good journalist friends,to develope his knowledge in all areas.Ram's strong conviction was,Journalism is a big ocean,and he is a small fish trying to swim in that ocean to learn.Many top class Journalists and Authors appreciated Ram's humbleness and Knowledge.(To Be Continued).

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