Monday, March 19, 2012

Life is Beautiful 104.

Vasanthy took the phone.Kathambari was in the other side
Mummy,i will be coming little late.My work has not finished, Ram and you have lunch.
Vasanthy. I will give it to Ram.You talk to him Kathambari
Ram i am coming there at 2.P.M.You and Mum can havelunch.
Ram.Kathambari,No problem.I will wait for you .Let us all have to gether.
Kathambari.Sure,Then you have some Juice,i will be there shortly.
Ram.o.k. i will give it to your mum.
Vasanthy.Iwill give some Juice for Ram.We will wait for you.See you
Vasanthy kept the Phone.Ram ,i will bring Tomoto Soup.
She brought the Soup.While drinking Ram was asking her,
How about you.You can also have this.
Vasanthy.No,Few minitues back i had.
Ram was looking Vasanthy.She was with her Beautiful Lovely Sedative Smile,which he used to Enjoy on many occasions~!~!~
Vasanthy.Ram i think You want to tell some thing to me.
Ram.No ,
Vasanthy.No you are hesitating.I could see in your face.
Ram.Well,IWant to clarify one doubt.Can i ask
Ram.You are from Karnataka.
Vasanthy.Why you are asking.I am from Karnataka.
Ram.Can you recognize me
By that time Calling bell rang.Vasanthy went to open the Door.Kathambari was entering
Sorry Ram .I was in a new assignment from my boss.Come let us have lunch.They entered the Dining table. (to be continued).
See You Next Week,
20-3 -12.

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