Thursday, May 26, 2022


Letter Published in The National UAE on 27May 22 A ,deadly American crisis needs to end With reference to the article Deadliest mass shootings in recent US history (May 25): This was so sad to read. The article, however, was a good round-up of past shootings, of previous casualties in equally horrific incidents, all in the US . This shooting of 19 children and two teachers was just tragic. The real cause of why the shooter did this may never be fully known but such tragedies in a country like the US are shocking because they are so avoidable. This issue of gun control has remained unresolved for way too long. While the liberals and Democrats root for change, something must be done to change the minds of the conservatives and the powerful opposing gun lobby. Joe Biden sounded extremely frustrated that the government can't take action to resolve this burning issue and stop the gun culture and any more shootings. No child should have to go to school fearing for his or her life. My heart goes out to the parents in this case. Once again, it is not only local Americans lives that are at stake. All people are are at risk by the lax gun laws in the US. It's also a risk for the many expatriates, be it the overseas students or the people simply working and living their lives. How much longer must a country have to suffer repeat acts of violence? One can only hope there can be unanimity in the government and Biden administration is able to act on this issue immediately. K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

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