Monday, June 6, 2011

Life is Beautiful.63.

After the meeting with Petchimuthu ,Ram started writing on various issues to leading Journals,.The other day he got a call from Raj.
Ram,i am happy that,you have started your old Passion of writing.
Ram.How you know this.
Raj.Yesterday i met Petchi muthu
Ram. Oh,i see.All this years i have not interested,now after seeing today's situation both in political and personal,i thought i can raise my voice for the Benefitof the people of our country.
Raj.Your decisio is very good ,at this hour.
Ram.Infact i wanted to call you ,and send my first article to your Paper.
Raj.Thank you Ram,My M.D will be very happy to receive your article.Related to what.

Ram.The much talked corruption both from individual level to corporate level.Ihave given the title Corruption Vs Commonman.
Raj.Opt caption.It will come in our tomorrow's edition.
Ram.With out reading how you are telling
Raj.Iknow about you and your way of putting things,that is the reason i am telling.
Ram.Thank you for the confidence,i am sending this by e mail.
Raj.Thank you Ram.Our readers will be benefited in the coming days.
Ram.O.K.i am sending this.See you later.(tobe continued).

See you next week,
June 7.011

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