Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life is Beautiful 157.

After the Conversation over  with Vasanthy Ram receiveda  call from Raj.
Ram,How are you.When are you leaving.
Ram.Another two days time.
Raj.Nice. i want to meet you in the evening.If i come by 5 P.M Will it be O.K.
Ram.Fine.We will meet at 5P.M
Raj  came at 5.p.m.
Ram.Good evening Raj,Nice to see you ..
Ram.I will be missing you Raj.
Raj.No  Ram  we will keep in touch with internet.The Main purpose of meeting you to have tie up for Indian newes with your channel.
Ram.Once i settle down with my new assignment i will speak to my people.
Raj. i hope you will do this .I too can develop my knowledge along with you in the beautiful media world.
Ram.Raj you have been in this Journalism field for more then two decades and i am starting now only.
Raj.I have been seeing your letters,articles on various issues and bold speeches on Public platforms proved you are a Wonderful Media Personality.
Ram.This is not correct.What little i know i am delivering.I too have ambition but it will take many years too ful fill.
Raj.You will achieve it .
Ram.I will prepare tea for us.
Ram prepared and gave one to Raj.
Raj,Apart from missing all our Lovely friends i am missing my little friend Tomy.With the assurances of Murthy  i am leaving my friend with them.More than eight years Tomy was with me.
Raj.I know Ram.Do n't  worry Murthy  will take care.
Ram.Yes ,i know he will take care.
(to be continued)
See you Next week

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